All My Sons Moving & Storage
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Community Spread During COVID-19

If you have seen the news recently, then you have probably heard the term community spread in regard to the coronavirus pandemic. What is community spread, though? Though it is a frequently used term, the definition may not be so clear to many people. Our Oklahoma City movers care about the well-being of our customers and want to help keep everyone informed as well as safe.

What Is Community Spread?

Our residential movers in Oklahoma City know that the best way to stay safe from the coronavirus is to stay informed. We want all our customers to be aware of the terms being used in COVID-19 discussions in order to understand what's actually happening in the world and make the best decisions for their families.

The term community spread means that many people in a specific area have been infected, even if they don't know how it happened - essentially, when the coronavirus has infected a large portion of an area or community.1 Since the coronavirus is spread from person to person, someone who has the virus can spread it to others. Therefore, the CDC recommends self-isolation for a minimum of 2 weeks if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or have tested positive for the coronavirus.

The length of time that someone is sick can vary, so the length of time needed to stay in isolation also varies. The current CDC guidelines indicates that it is ok to release someone from isolation if:

- The patient is free from fever without the use of fever-reducing medications.

- The patient is no longer showing symptoms, not even a cough.

- The patient has tested negative on at least two consecutive respiratory specimens collected at least 24 hours apart.

Can Someone Who Has Been Quarantined for COVID-19 Spread the Illness to Others?

In addition to asking about what community spread is, many people are wondering if someone who has been in quarantine can still spread COVID-19. The definition of quarantine is to separate a person or group of people who have been exposed to a contagious disease, but have not developed symptoms, from others who have not been exposed in order to prevent the possible spread of that disease.1 A quarantine is also usually set for the incubation period of the disease, which for COVID-19 is 14 days. Once that person has completed their 14 days in isolation, they are no longer considered a risk for spreading the virus.

Are you planning a move during the pandemic? Let our trusted professional movers to not only answer your questions - like what is community spread - but to help you move to your new home safely. Our Oklahoma City local movers are up to date on coronavirus definitions, healthy practices, and latest news. Call us today for a free, virtual estimate and get started on your move with All My Sons Moving & Storage, today.

Here at All My Sons Moving & Storage, we thank our clients for trusting us with their relocation. Given the increased attention of COVID-19 (coronavirus), we want to assure all clients that their safety and our employees' safety are a top priority. While we're experts in moving, we want our clients to know that we're actively implementing the health and safety guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure we take the proper precautions.

We've instructed our employees that experience symptoms, defined by the CDC, to not report to work and instead contact their doctors. We ask that if you or any of your family members have experienced COVID-19 symptoms, please let us know immediately so we can take the proper additional precautions.

As a company, we believe in serving our community and supporting each other, especially during difficult times. We believe in the power of us, all of us!


1. - What is Community Spread?