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Home Maintenance Tips for First Time Buyers

One thing that some new home owners aren't expecting is the maintenance involved in keeping their property up to par. Unlike your car, there is no manual stowed away for home problems and quick solutions. Luckily, your friends at the Oklahoma City local movers have a few home maintenance tips to prepare you for the exciting world of owning a home. Part of staying on top of maintenance is simply by being organized—so we are going to help with that!

Home maintenance needs to be done year round, so be sure you have tools on hand for when the need arises. Invest in tools for snow days, as well as lawn and garden machinery. Have a place to store it all, whether it is in your garage or in a free-standing shed.

You should also have a team of professional maintenance people that you trust and can work with regularly. Find local home maintenance specialists through the recommendations of family and friends, and put together a master list for plumbers, painters, electricians, handymen and more at your disposal.

Understand the basics. Knowing that there is routine maintenance for your HVAC and other appliances is a step ahead of many when it comes to home care. Sealing leaky ducts, changing filters and other small tasks can save you costly repairs down the road. Label the breaker box and know where your water main is in case you ever need to shut it off.

Maintain curb appeal by keeping your home's exterior on point. Keeping the paint job looking fresh—that's only the beginning. You also want to check up on the roof and the foundation, as well as the windows, to make sure everything is in top shape and that there aren't any cracks or leaks. Check gutters and make sure there isn't a bunch of leaves and debris, as this can lead to much bigger problems.

If you're a first-time buyer with sticker shock when you get your power and water bills, take steps to manage your energy dollars as well as home comfort. Budget for foreseeable seasonal fluctuations in energy needs (like summer cooling and winter heating), and check into plans offered by local utility providers that allow you to distribute costs evenly over a 12-month period rather than paying right-now prices.