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Packing Tips from the Oklahoma City Moving Professionals

Did you know that the average American will move more than ten times in their lifetime?Between college, jobs, family, and other causes for relocation, it can take many years before an individual finally settles down. Until that happens, people will try out a number of living arrangements until they find a location that is perfect for their needs and lifestyle.Here are some tips on packing for your many moves straight from your friendly and professional Oklahoma City Movers.

It's time to throw out old and worn out boxes and replace them with new ones.Cardboard boxes are initially very sturdy though they inevitably wear out after extensive use and time in general.If boxes have been stored in a basement, garage, or garden shed, they have probably been damaged by water or mold, rendering them useless to you.

Purchase reliable and high-quality packing materials.Aside from new boxes, you need several rolls of packing tape, at least one packing tape dispenser, permanent markers in multiple colors and sizes, and lots of bubble wrap for protecting your breakable valuables.Moving requires a large amount of supplies so don't be afraid to buy extra, as you probably are underestimating just how much stuff you have accumulated over time.

Pack up lesser-used items first.Not everything you own gets used on an equal basis, such as seasonal clothing and other time-specific items.Start your packing by boxing up those items that aren't going to be needed soon.Large wardrobe boxes make it easy to pack up out of season clothing without stuffing them into too-small containers, and space bags can be a dream at making the storage you have much more on par with your needs.Christmas decorations, infrequently used appliances, CDs and DVDs, and out-of-season items can all be packed away without fear of needing them in the immediate future, or even pitched if your usage of these items is rare to never.

As one room is emptied, clean it from top to bottom.Wash the windows, dust along the top of the walls, and wipe down all the shelves in the closet.This may seem grueling to do one room at a time, but it is much more daunting to do the entire house in a day, trust us! Collect all your cleaning products and place them together in one spot.These will be some of the last things you pack before you leave and you'll be using them throughout the moving process.

Last but not least, hire a professional moving company.While hiring a moving company probably won't be a necessary part of every move, they can be quite helpful in getting the heavy items out of your home as well as transporting the bulk of your belongings for you.Professional Oklahoma City Movers have the experience and equipment required for a successful move.