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Surviving Your First Holiday in a New City

Moving during the holidays can be exciting. You get to experience new festivities and traditions. However, spending the holidays in an unfamiliar place can be difficult. If you're alone in a new city or your family is new to the area, you might not know where to start. Our Oklahoma City movers are here to help you survive your first holiday in a new city.

Decorate Your Home

If you typically decorate for the holiday season, be sure to do the same for your new house. Keeping the same traditions can make a new city feel more like home. There is something about decorating that makes the space feel cheerful and cozy. Plus, this is a great time to start making new traditions in this city. Turn on your favorite holiday song and create a winter wonderland.

Plan Activities

When you move to a new city, try to get out of the house and be active. If you're moving with a family, your kids need an outlet for their energy. We teamed up with local mom and blogger, Stephanie Clinton, for advice on navigating the city with kids. Stephanie recommends indoor playgrounds during Oklahoma winters. “Knowing where I could take my child to run off some steam indoors was very helpful.” Check out Stephanie's blog, Hugs, Kisses & Snot, for humorous advice on family, parenting, recipes, and more.


Support your new community and volunteer for a local cause. Many organizations need extra help during the holidays. If you're alone in a new city, volunteer work is a great way to get to know the area and meet people. This might just be your new holiday tradition. No matter the cause, volunteer opportunities are endless for Thanksgiving and Christmas. You can celebrate the holidays around others that need support during this time of year.

Join A Group

Explore the city and celebrate the holiday season with other people in the area. Our Oklahoma City auto movers recommend Facebook groups and to connect with people that have similar interests. Making friends in a new place can be difficult. If you're looking to meet other parents, Stephanie recommends playgroups. She says that they are “great places to meet other moms who are in the same stage of motherhood as yourself.”

Call Your Friends & Extended Family

Be sure to talk with your friends and extended family on the holidays. A recent move can be difficult for your family, but a phone call can mean the world. Fortunately, technology brings families together during the holiday season. You can play virtual games, like Christmas-themed bingo. During your first holiday in a new city, hold onto the ones you love.

Now that you know how to survive your first holiday in a new city, our Oklahoma City commercial movers are here to help you make the big move. Whether you need residential or commercial assistance, our professionals have you covered. Our Piedmont movers are committed to excellent customer care and quality moves. Call for a moving quote today!

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