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Moving a Senior Citizen to a New Home

Whether you are moving a senior citizen to Oklahoma, or if you are a senior yourself, Oklahoma moving companies want you to have an organized and successful transition. There are a lot of things that seniors have to consider that were not a factor when they were younger. While moving from their home is often a distressing time, there are steps that you can take to make your elderly family member's move as painless as possible.

When seniors are moving, it is usually to somewhere smaller. Downsizing is going to require getting rid of some things, which may be a bit emotionally taxing, but it is necessary. Whether moving to a condo, a nursing home, or a family member's home, there just won't be the same amount of space. Elderly people should sort through their belongings with family members. This way, they can give away useful items that they no longer need. There should also be “donate” and “dump” piles. Once this process is complete, packing can begin. Invite the family over so that everyone can pitch in.

Before your moving day, all medical and legal documents should be organized and on hand. Updated medical records should be accessible, and if your elderly family member needs new healthcare providers in Oklahoma, you should already have them lined up. This way, you will know who to call if there is an emergency. If you are moving to Oklahoma from another state, senior citizens should make sure their personal health insurance is not affected. Legal documents should also be in order. If powers of attorney or living wills need to be drafted or updated, now is the time to do so.

Once the move is complete, senior citizens will need some help unpacking. Call on friends or family, or hire professionals to assist with this process. Once unpacking is complete, a close family member, friend, or trusted professional should help your elderly family member settle into their new home. Moving can be particularly tough on the elderly, as they may be leaving a home and community that they have spent years of their life in. That means leaving a comfortable and familiar place for somewhere unknown. It also often coincides with losing a loved one, health issues, or losing the ability to drive. Be sensitive, understanding, and sympathetic to their personal plight. Do not get frustrated or rush your elderly family member, because they are dealing with a lot of change.

If the move is too much for your senior and your family to cope with, you may want to consider hiring a senior moving manager. They are experts in helping seniors and their families downsize and adjust to their new homes; they can help manage all aspects of the move. If your elderly family member's home requires some adjustments to help them live independently, you may also want to look into a Certified Aging in Place Specialist, or CAPS.

Oklahoma is a great place to move for your elderly family member. While it may be tough to initially adjust, family and friends will make the transition much easier.