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Testing for the Coronavirus

As stay-at-home orders are lifted, many people who have not experienced any COVID-19 symptoms are wondering if they should get tested for coronavirus. Since it is possible to be asymptomatic, which means someone has the coronavirus but doesn't show any symptoms, getting tested may seem like a good idea. Our Richmond movers share a little insight regarding whether getting tested for coronavirus is necessary.

Should I Be Tested for Coronavirus?

Whether or not you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, getting tested for coronavirus might ease your mind, but not everyone needs to be tested.1 Though most people who do get the coronavirus will just have a mild illness and will be able to recover at home without medical attention or testing, the CDC offers guidance regarding people who should be tested.2 Final decisions about coronavirus testing are made by state and local health departments and healthcare professionals.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 and want to get tested, our Richmond residential movers recommend consulting with your primary care physician first.

Where to Get Tested for Coronavirus

The CDC has distributed tests to state and local public health departments while medical providers are turning to commercial manufacturers to develop additional tests. Though there are more tests available now than even a month or two ago, finding a facility where you can be tested might be a challenge.3 There are multiple coronavirus testing locations throughout Richmond and Henrico County.

Visit the Virginia Department of Health website for more information regarding coronavirus testing in Richmond.4

How Do They Test You for Coronavirus?

First and foremost, contact your healthcare provider if you are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms or you're otherwise not feeling well. Your physician will ultimately determine whether or not you should be tested for COVID-19.

There are actually two types of tests for COVID-19 - an antibody test and the viral test. The coronavirus antibody test will determine whether or not you have previously been infected by detecting antibodies, which can take between 1-3 weeks to develop after the infection. The CDC does not yet know if developing coronavirus antibodies will protect someone from being infected again or how well they will be able to fight it off the next time. The antibody test will NOT, however, indicate if you are currently infected.

A viral test will determine if you are currently infected with COVID-19. Getting tested for coronavirus is very similar to getting tested for the flu. The most common way to get tested for COVID-19 is through your nose. If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, a sample can be produced by swabbing the inside of the front of your nose. A healthcare professional may also swab the back of your nasal cavity through your nostril or swab the back of your throat to collect a sample.

Some locations may offer results on-site within the hour while other sites send the samples to a lab, though the results can take longer.

Are There At-Home Coronavirus Testing Options?

Leaving the safety of your home can be scary, not to mention that getting tested for coronavirus is a challenge at the moment. Though there aren't at-home coronavirus tests available, on April 21, 2020, the FDA issued the first emergency use authorization (EUA) for the LabCorp COVID-19 RT-PCR Test, which can test nasal swab samples collected by patients at home.5

“We will continue to work around the clock to support the development of accurate and reliable tests, as we have done throughout this pandemic. The FDA has authorized more than 80 COVID-19 tests and adding more options for at-home sample collection is an important advancement in diagnostic testing during this public health emergency.” - Stephen M. Hahn, MD, FDA Commissioner 6

Despite this news, the Virginia Department of Health is not promoting at-home test kits and recommend that you talk to your healthcare provider.

Our Richmond local movers are here to support you with all your moving needs during the coronavirus pandemic. Staying safe at a time like this if of utmost importance at a time like this. Contact us for more details on how we are keeping customers safe during a move amidst the coronavirus.

Here at All My Sons Moving & Storage, we thank our clients for trusting us with their relocation. Given the increased attention of COVID-19 (coronavirus), we want to assure all clients that their safety and our employees' safety are a top priority. While we're experts in moving, we want our clients to know that we're actively implementing the health and safety guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure we take the proper precautions.

We've instructed our employees that experience symptoms, defined by the CDC, to not report to work and instead contact their doctors. We ask that if you or any of your family members have experienced COVID-19 symptoms, please let us know immediately so we can take the proper additional precautions.

As a company, we believe in serving our community and supporting each other, especially during difficult times. We believe in the power of us, all of us!


1. - Should I Get Tested

2. CDC - Testing for COVID-19

3. - Where can I get tested for COVID-19?

4. Virginia Department of Health - Richmond City Health District

5. FDA - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Authorizes First Test for Patient At-Home Sample Collection

6. FDA - Coronavirus (COVDI-19) Update: FDA Authorizes First Diagnostic Test Using At-Home Collection of Saliva Samples