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Registering to Vote in Virginia

Have you just moved to Virginia and want to register to vote? Now is a good time to make sure that you know the process for registering to vote in Virginia. Richmond long distance movers recommend you make sure you know the process for registering to vote in Virginia, as not every state is the same when it comes to voter registration requirements. Our Richmond residential movers understand it's important to know what the regulations for your state are before moving.

Virginia doesn't have many qualifications to be able to register to vote. You may need some proof of identity, address, and possibly your registration card when voting. Prior to planning to vote, you will want to make sure you meet the requirements to register to vote. Richmond local movers have put together the requirements for registering to vote in Virginia so you can make sure you're ready.

Virginia Voter Registration Rules

To register in Virginia, you must:

-Be a citizen of the United States;

-Be a resident of Virginia and of the precinct in which you want to vote;

-Be 18 years old by the next general election;

-Not have been convicted of a felony, or have had your civil rights restored; and

-Not currently be declared incapacitated by a court.

Where to Register to Vote in Virginia

Our Richmond movers at All My Sons Moving & Storage understand the importance of making sure that you are prepared for an election, so we've created a list of places you can visit if you're interested in registering to vote in Virginia.

-Online Registration

-Visit local voter registration office

-Download a PDF copy of the registration form

-Visit state or local government offices when applying or re-certifying for Aid to Dependent Children, Food Stamps, WIC, Medicaid, or Rehabilitation Services

-Government offices in the state that provide state-funded programs (primarily engaged in providing services to person with disabilities)

-Armed forces recruitment offices

-Public libraries

-Virginia Department of Elections office


-Voter Registration Drives

What Happens After I Register to Vote?

In about three weeks after you have turned your information in, you will receive your voter registration card via mail. The card will have the name and location of your voting precinct listed, as well as your polling place. It is not necessary in Virginia to have your voter registration card with you when going to vote.

Should you not receive your card in the mail on time, you can review your status online at the Citizens Portal. If you still are unable to confirm your status, we suggest contacting your local general registrar.

If you'd like to check your voter registration status, or for more information on registering to vote in Virginia, visit or Virginia Department of Elections.