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How To Get Your Security Deposit Back

Most renters have to pay a hefty security deposit when moving into the home, apartment, or other residence they're renting. While it may have seemed steep at the time, now that you are moving out, you have the opportunity to get your security deposit back. Here are tips and tricks to help you get your full security deposit back when moving out of your rental.

Tips to Get Your Security Deposit Back

While a pet deposit may be nonrefundable, your security deposit is more than likely refundable. If you put in the effort, you may be able to get a full refund or at least a partial refund. That could be a nice chunk of change back in your pocket that could help with your moving expenses. Our South San Antonio movers have a few tips on how to get that security deposit refund.

What to Do Before Moving into Your Rental

Before you even bring furniture into your rental, you should take note of the condition the residence is in. Our South San Antonio residential movers recommend doing this with your landlord while taking both notes and pictures of any imperfections. Make sure these pictures are dated.

As a renter, there may be restrictions to what changes you are allowed to make. Ask these questions before moving in, especially if you are renting the space for an office. Our South San Antonio commercial movers have seen too many people get charged for making big changes to their office space without asking in advance.

If you neglected to take these steps when you moved in, be sure to do this at your new place.

Make Repairs to Help Get Your Security Deposit Back

Getting your security deposit back doesn't have to be difficult. Small repairs can go a long way. Well in advance of moving day, take the time to walk around your apartment or home and look for anything that needs repairs since you moved in.

One of the most common repairs is fixing imperfections on your walls. If you hung anything on the walls, there may be holes or places where the paint chipped. Stop at the local hardware store to get supplies to patch these holes and paint over them. The process is easier than you think, but do not wait until moving day or you could be scrambling for time.

Some other small repairs include tightening loose screws, fixing slow or clogged drains, and tending to your yard.

If there are any major repairs that need to be done before you move, start early. You will want to get this project completed well in advance of moving day.

Cleaning Up Before Moving Out

A thorough clean is a must if you hope to get back your security deposit, especially if you want a full refund. As a tenant, you are expected to leave the place as you found it, which means clean.

Wipe everything down. Mop, vacuum, and do not leave anything behind. The cleaner your rental, the greater the chance of receiving your full deposit back.

By putting in a little bit of extra effort, you will be much more likely to get your security deposit back. You can then put your security deposit refund toward hiring our experienced movers at All My Sons Moving & Storage South San Antonio.