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Tips to Set Up Your Home Office

Home offices are more becoming more common than ever now and thanks to innovations in technology, they are more useful than ever. Employees can work remotely with from their desktop computer and several small businesses can completely operate out of a room from the comfort of their own home. Now more than ever, it is important to create a welcoming environment that will allow you to be both productive and enjoy the time you spend working from your home office. The movers of San Antonio have put together a helpful list of tips to set up a home office that is sure to make your work space much more appealing and inviting from the standard boring cubicle. 1. Practicality over Décor. Decorating your home office can be a great opportunity to let your creativity run wild, however it is important to keep in mind the practicality of the items you bring into your office. Beautiful vintage chairs and desks may look pretty and dainty, but they probably won’t be able to keep your desk very organized during a large project. The movers of San Antonio suggest you consider the space you will need when working and filling the available space with furniture and colors that won’t over stimulate your brain while working. Remember, the key is to be productive in your home. 2. Lighting is critical. When you set up your home office, refrain from making the common mistake of pushing your desk toward a dark corner of the room. Lamps are certainly necessary items of a home office, but the main feature should be natural lighting, especially if you plan on working primarily during the day. Take in more natural light by placing your desk next to a nearby window. The ideal spot would be parallel to the window panes. In addition to providing great lighting, it will give you a nice view when you need a break from your screen. As for lamps in your home office, add a couple of table lamps to liven up the space. They will provide a good source of lighting as well as add some functional décor to your home office. 3. Don’t forget the comfort. One of the best perks about working at home is your ability to be comfortable while working. So why wouldn’t you include a few comfy features when you set up your home office? If space permits, the movers of San Antonio highly suggest bringing in a couch or lounge chair with perhaps an ottoman or coffee table. This will give you the perfect area to relax when you need a break from working. 4. Use the Space Efficiently and Creatively. Set up your home office in a way that will allow you to maximize the space you are given. Filing cabinets may not be the most aesthetic pieces of furniture, however they are extremely useful. If you need filing cabinets to keep yourself organized, try placing them inside the closet tucked away from your vision. If you need storage in your office area, try adding cabinets with doors on them or if you prefer to see your files, try using open bookshelves.

5. Think Ergonomically. Set up your desk in a way that will most benefit your mind and body. The ideal position for screens should be at eye level or slightly below eye level. This will prevent your eyes from becoming fatigued. Find a chair that allows your feet to be planted firmly on a foot rest of some sort, whether that is the floor or a stool, dangling feet can put a strain on your knees.