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Selling Tips For More Profit

The All My Sons of San Antonio knows that selling your home is a big transaction to undertake, even if you’ve had previous experience. It’s a tough real estate market to say the least with a lot of inventory, low price tags and competition on every block. Besides staging your house right, getting a good realtor on your side and hoping that luck is on your side, you’ll have to pull out all the stops. There are great negotiation tactics that you can use to make sure you put more money in your pocket during the actual transaction.One thing to remember when selling your home is that buyers almost expect a counter offer. They know that it’s part of the negotiation game, kind of like the dance that happens at the car dealership. So a lower initial offer is to be expected, because buyers are waiting for you to counter it. They are obviously willing to pay more for your house, but maybe not as much as your listing price. Most sellers will be submitting a counteroffer at this point so as to not lose the sale completely. This might help you sell your home, but probably not the price you want.One thing you might want to try is counter with your original list price. If your homebuyer is really interested, they will come back with a higher offer than they first submitted. Assuming that your property is listed at a fair price, taking into consideration upgrades, locations, other home prices in your neighborhood, they will understand that your residence is worth the value. In the end, you’ll be dealing with buyers who are more serious about actually buying your property and are also more qualified to do so. You can also choose to counteract with only $1000 less than your listing price.Another tactic to get top dollars for your home is to hold off on all offers until a specific date. You can schedule an open house, but don’t entertain any offers until people have visited. Serious buyers will expect to have competition and may offer a higher price for your home. Even if you only get one offer, the potential buyer won’t know it.The San Antonio movers know that when you counter a potential buyer’s offer, you become involved in a legally binding negotiation with them and you can’t accept something better if it comes along. So you might want to place an expiration date on that contract, pressuring the interested buyer to get back to you faster. This will make your property look even more desirable and you more serious as a seller.Another tip that can help you sell your place at top dollars is the incentives you can offer. For example, you can choose to tell buyers that you will pay the closing costs. Of course, on your end, you can increase the price tag of your home to compensate. These closing costs are typically about three percent of the purchase price so when budget is tight and spread thin because of other expenses such as moving services and down payment, this can attract buyers.