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San Antonio Movers Help You Get Rid of Your House

Sometimes homeowners have to get rid of their home due to circumstances, such as a job transfer, a divorce or not being able to pay the high mortgage. In a difficult housing market, how can one get rid of their house? The moving specialists, All my sons of San Antonio, offer you three ways of doing exactly that. 1-Short sale. No we are not talking about short-selling a stock on the Nasdaq market here. A short sale or deed-in-lieu is when a homeowner sells the house for less than what is owed on the mortgage. This option is not the speediest process, but can still be faster than just selling it the good old fashioned way. It can take up to a year or more for the deal to close. Basically, you are signing your house over to the lender in order to avoid a foreclosure. A short sale will hurt your credit score and you will have to disclose your financial information to the lender. 2-Strategic default. This is simply not making your mortgage payment even though financially you are able to. Why would someone to this? If the debt owed is actually greater than the value of the house. People that chose this option are called “walkaways”. This again is not the fastest way of getting rid of your house because it will delay the foreclosure and one can stay in the house for up to two years before getting evicted. Yes, you can save some money choosing this option, but at what cost? Your credit score will be terrible, there are tax consequences and it won’t be easy getting a new mortgage after one “walks away”. 3-Are you in a generous mood? Why not give your house away? That’s right, giving your house away as gift is the fastest way to get rid of your home. No complicated paperwork needed here. You can give your house to a family member. An attorney can prepare the simple paperwork for you and there you go! This option however won’t get you the payment you are expecting for your home, but if you have to get rid of your home quickly, this is probably the fastest way. Whatever your reasons may be, All my sons of San Antonio, your local San Antonio moving company, are here to assist you. Professional movers backed by four generations of movers, All my Sons of San Antonio, can easily help you make that residential move to that new city. Licensed and insured moving company, All my Sons San Antonio will quilt-pad wrap your furniture to protect them so you can make your move without any damage. Whether you need to move quickly or not trust All my Sons of San Antonio movers for your moving needs.