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Protect the Fruits of Your Labor in San Antonio

Moving to San Antonio comes with a multitude of benefits, especially if you have a green thumb. Since San Antonio has an ideal climate year-round for growing fruit trees, chances are that you will want to invest in adding one to your garden in your new home. Not only do fruit trees provide rewards for years to come, they also require very little work. In order to continue bearing the fruits of very little labor for as long as possible, check out these tips and tricks from your local San Antonio movers on how to easily solve common fruit tree problems.

  1. Apple Scab Disease. A fungus disease that mainly attacks apple leaves, stems and fruit, this fungus disease runs rampant particularly in areas that have a lot of rainfall and humidity. San Antonio movers suggest that In order to stop this from ruining the apples that come from your apple trees, use fungicide sprays and make sure to gather fallen leaves throughout the year.

  2. Peach Leaf Curl. Curled edges and deformed shapes on leaves, reveal Peach Leaf Curl, a fungus disease that mainly attacks peach and nectarine trees throughout the nation. Stop this disease before it starts, by spraying fungicide spray in the spring before the buds begin to swell, or in the fall after 90 percent of the leaves have fallen.

  3. Winter Moth Caterpillar. Cherry, apple and crabapple trees mainly suffer the effects of a winter moth caterpillar invasion. Adult moths lay their eggs in the crevices of these trees and when they hatch in the spring, can quickly destroy a tree. After you relocate to San Antonio, if you have cherry or apple trees, as soon as you see these creatures, stop the rest of the invasion before it continues, by spraying Bacillus Thuringinesis on the bark.

  4. Codling Moth Caterpillar. Known as the number one pest for apple and pear trees, the Codling Moth Caterpillar is the main cause for “wormy” fruit. In order to stop these caterpillars from wedging their way into your delicious fruit, San Antonio movers and locals use caterpillar traps and a mix of natural and chemical sprays. That way, you will not have to worry about accidentally finding a worm when you bite into your next apple!

  5. Bitter Pit. While bitter pit attacks fruit trees across the world, the type of trees that are most affected are apple and pear trees. A fungus that occurs mainly in the southern regions, bitter pit can be prevented by getting rid of any dead wood and twigs from trees that already have the disease. If you do that, as well as consistently using a fungicide spray every 10 to 14 days, you should not have to worry about bitter pit affecting your apples and pears.