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Preparing Your Home For The Market

Selling a home can be just as time-consuming and frustrating as buying a home; that is unless you know of a few tips to help you out. Having a well-prepped house and knowing what steps you need to take to get your home looking tip top will have you calling up San Antonio movers in no time to help you move into your new home.

Unattach Yourself

One of the first things you'll want to do is disassociate yourself from your home and start to look at it less as a place where you passed the years and lived your life and more as something that you're about to sell. Let go of any emotional attachment you might have to your home and get used to the fact that it will soon be someone else's home. For full closure, spend some time in each room of the house and “say goodbye.” Even if you didn't care much for living in your home, there are surely some good memories that you were able to create while you were there. San Antonio movers can help you pack up those memories so that you can take them with you to your new home.

Get Rid of Your Personal Touch

While making your old home presentable for an open house, you'll want to do away with any and all family photographs and special heirlooms that you might have. Potential buyers want to see themselves living in this space, not look at the vestiges left over from the previous owner. The best way to quickly sell your home is to make buyers immediately feel as if they've come to their home instead of feeling like they're simply visiting someone else's home. Make the buyer focus on themselves instead of having them wonder about the story of the last family that lived there.

Trash All of the Clutter in the House

While you're cleaning, if you come across anything that you haven't used in more than a year, chances are good that you can throw it out. Get rid of all of the clutter that you can to make it easier on yourself and San Antonio movers. The less needless junk they have to pack up the less you'll have to pay. Box up all of your books, clean off your kitchen counters and pack up any items that you use on a daily basis in a small storage box.


Buyers won't hesitate to scrutinize each and every inch of your home. Clean out and organize all of your cabinets and closets so that when buyers do peek in they'll see how well you've kept care of the house. They'll automatically assume that the rest of the house is just as well organized. Arrange all of your spices in alphabetical order, stack you dishes nicely, make sure that the handles of your coffee cups all face the same way and line up the shoes in your closet. If you're OCD, go above and beyond your usual habits.

There are few extremes when it comes to getting your house ready for a showing. You want the place to look absolutely perfect in order to sell it as quickly and easily as possible.