All My Sons Moving & Storage
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Moving With Children | San Antonio

Moving with Children to a new home, town, city, or even state can be very challenging. That is why the professional moving team at All My Sons Moving & Storage of San Antonio is here to help you!

Here are some effective, first-hand moving tips that we have accumulated from parents throughout the years:

Pack a lot of toys. This may sound like a very simple thing, but you have to make sure that your child's attention is constantly occupied. A good distraction is an iPad or iPhone. Make sure to download several kid-friendly apps before the big moving day so that they can be distracted for a while. If you are moving long distance, you can also play games in the car that will keep them occupied, like the alphabet game where you find words outside of the car that begin with the letter of the alphabet, proceeding in consecutive order until you have found a word starting with each letter of the alphabet.

Food, water, and tons of it! When moving, you should have a bag specifically designated for your children's favorite snacks and a large supply of water. It is important to make sure that you and your children stay hydrated throughout the entire moving process and energized with food and snacks. However, you will want to be careful how much liquid you give your child, or you will be stopping at a couple bathrooms along the way.

Put them in charge of a task. If all else fails and the toys, iPad, and food will not keep them distracted, then give them a task so that they feel like they are helping you on your moving day.

Let them play outside before the movers come. Let them run around outside for a while before the movers arrive, this will take up most of their energy and will hopefully allow your children to take a nap during the car ride to your new home.

Once you have arrived at your new home, designate a room for the kids to play in. Since the movers will be going in and out of the front door, you want to make sure that you know where the kids are at all times, and that they are safe. If one of your kids is old enough, give them the task of being the babysitter over their siblings so that you do not have to constantly check on them. Make them even happier by ordering pizza!

Once all of your belongings have been safely moved inside, give your kids a tour of their new home. Walk them through every room of the house and teach them where their new rooms are. Go over any necessary safety precautions or procedures for your new home. For example: if you have a swimming pool, make sure that they know how dangerous it can be and to never be outside unattended. If your children do not know how to swim and your new home has a pool, you will want to make sure that they take swimming lessons or teach them yourself; this can be another way to get your children excited about their new home.

Make moving exciting for your children and it will be exciting for you, your local San Antonio moving company wants you to enjoy moving to your new home, so follow our tips on how to move with children and make the most of your move!