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Making the Move Easier on Your Cat

Anytime you move with pets, you'll face some challenges that other new home owners don't have to face, but the challenges you face when moving with a cat can be a whole other animal. Cats, in general, are not excited about change. They typically prefer to stay where they have already established a home. Before your San Antonio movers are confronted with a very angry cat, make sure that you have prepared to make the transition as smooth as possible for your four-legged friend.

A move can be very stressful for your cat and this may manifest itself in house accidents, unusual meowing or aggression, hiding, or running away. What can you do to make the move less stressful?

Begin by purchasing a carrier for your cat. You'll probably use this during the travel portion of your move. You can produce the carrier a few weeks before the move. Leave some treats in the carrier and place some of your cat's favorite toys in the carrier. Just before the move, place your cat's food dish near or inside the carrier and gradually move the dishes to the very back.

Put your boxes out a couple of weeks before you start packing, as well. This gives your cat the chance to explore the boxes and get comfortable with them around. Just be careful that when you are packing, the cat doesn't hide in one of your boxes and get trapped.

Throughout the entire process, it is important to keep your cat's schedule as close to normal as possible. If you think that packing will distract you from feeding and devoting attention to your pet, then set a timer to remind you.

When the San Antonio Movers come to pack up your belongings, you can make things easier for them and for your cat by closing him in a bathroom with his food, water, bedding, and a litter box. Label the door so that movers know to leave the room alone. This will prevent your cat from running off while the door is open and will prevent him from getting trapped in the moving truck. You can do the same thing once you have arrived at your new home.

Start out the day of the move by only feeding your cat a small amount. This can reduce any stomach upset that your cat may experience. It is also a good idea to leave the carrier closed during the travel. Losing your cat somewhere between your old home and your new destination is a terrible way to begin a new chapter of your life.

You'll want to establish a home base for your cat for the first little while after the move. For several days, keep the cat's food and water, etc in one room and keep your cat in that room as well. Spend quality time with your cat in that room. If she wants to wander off, distract her with treats and attention. As you progress through your unpacking, you can gradually introduce your cat to the other rooms of the home. Pay special attention to your outside doors. You run the risk of losing your furry friend if she escapes before she comes to consider the new house her home.

Finally, be patient with your cat. Change is difficult and can be especially disconcerting for cats. The love and patience you show can cat can go a long way toward helping him or her feel at home.