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Move In, Clean Up, Welcome To new Digs

When people move into a new place, they tend to go through a major spring cleaning type of situation even if it’s technically not spring time. It’s just that with a new place, comes a sense of wanting everything to be just right. At least that’s what the San Antonio movers noticed when moving families from one residence to another. People seem to clean extra hard, organize extra well and really go to all lengths to showcase their house in the best light. It looks new and they want to keep it that way. Once the professional movers have left your place, you’ve begun to settle in and have unpacked the most crucial moving boxes with the mighty important toothbrush and work clothes, you can then take the time to unpack and unload your belongings one box by one box. Just like it took you time to pack and sort through the items you’ll be keeping, the same happens when you’re unpacking. You’ll explore and rediscover so many items you didn’t know you had or thought you’d lost and even find things you wonder why you don’t use more, like fancy silverware for example. The set you’ve barely used for a special occasion or two. Now, when you’ve just moved in, might be the best time to polish that silver and make it new again. It’s easy to polish silver too. According to an article on, All My Sons of San Antonio movers learnt that all you need is water, mild soap, some baking soda and a few other things like aluminum paper. Beautiful silverware shouldn’t just collect dust and tarnish, there are a great way to decorate the table, making dinnertime even more special. So the next time you invite friends over or want to have a romantic candlelight dinner with your husband or wife, your silverware will be sparkling and polished. suggests just washing the pieces with mild soap dish and warm water. The article says to avoid the dishwasher because of the extreme heat. Then, in a pot, bring a quart of water to a boil and mix in ¼ cup of baking soda and a couple of teaspoons of salt. Pour the solution to another pot filled with the silverware and cover it. The solution will get rid of the blackness on the silver pieces. Five minutes later, just rinse the pieces and dry with a clean cloth. It’s that simple and you’ll have silverware ready for entertaining in no time.