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The San Antonio Movers present Holiday Safety

The holidays are upon us! Always a fun time of year. It's the happiest time of the year but you want to keep it a safe one. According to AOL ,the U.S. Fire Administration and FEMA warn that most home fires and fire-related injuries are during the holidays. Fires aren't the only danger. With Santa Claus coming down every chimney (if you were nice that is), burglars think the holiday season can be a good time to walk in and steal your valuables. The San Antonio movers, your expert moving specialists, want to share a few tips that can help keep you and your loved one's safe during this holiday season. Fire extinguisher. When was the last time you've checked it? With home fires at an all time high during the holidays, it might be time to make sure your fire extinguisher has seen no more than six to eight Christmases. Also might be a good idea to invest and buy a new one if you think yours is too old. You never know when you might need to use it and you want to be sure that it works properly. Smoke Detectors. When was the last time you changed the batteries? The U.S. Consumer Product Commission suggests you to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors' batteries because they might need changing. According to them, they suggest changing the batteries at least twice a year. The smoke detectors are your first warning that your home may be on fire and well you don't want old batteries to be the reason why you didn't hear it. Emergency plan. Do you have one? It's important to set up a plan so that you and your family can meet safely at a meeting point if something should go wrong. When was the last time you've discussed a meeting point with your family? Take a few minutes of your holiday vacation time and discuss with your family the building's best escape routes, if you live in a house, then maybe meet at the neighbors but discuss it beforehand. Criminals always try and find sneaky ways to break into a house. For example, if there's a cellar door that needs to be repaired then don't wait, get it fixed because that might just be a point of entry for those criminals. If you're moving during this holiday season, make sure to call the San Antonio moving specialists. Our movers are experts at what they do and are backed by four generations of moving experience! Our moving company is licensed and insured and is staffed with professionals to help you out throughout your moving experience. They will quilt pad wrap your belongings so you'll know that your things will be waiting for you at your new place undamaged. Trust All My Sons of San Antonio for all your moving needs.