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Tips for a Great Garage Sale

Moving can be a difficult task. While it's exciting to think about the prospect of having a new home, actually transporting your stuff from one home to another takes a lot of time and organization. One of the best things you can do for yourself to make the process easier is to hire some San Antonio movers to do the packing, loading, and transporting for you. Another thing you can do to really help yourself out is have a garage sale to get rid of your unwanted things. Not only can this make the moving process easier, it can also help cut back on clutter and make the unpacking and organizing process much easier. While the thought of a garage sale may be overwhelming, it can be made a lot easier if you follow some simple tips.


The first thing you should do when preparing for your garage sale is go through your home deciding what you don't want to keep. Go through your clothes as well as everyone else's to find things that no longer fit or are no longer in style. If you have kids, go through their toys and books to see what is no longer being played with. Think about paring down on your kitchen tools. When deciding whether or not to get rid of something, ask yourself some simple questions. Do I love it? Does it make my life easier? Have I used it in the last few months? Does it have sentimental value? If you answer no to all of these questions, then it's probably time to get rid of that item.

Plan Ahead

Planning ahead for your garage sale is very important. Plan your sale on a day that is two or three weeks away. Not only does it give you time to prepare, it also gives you time to advertise. Decide where you want to have your sale. If you live in a quiet part of town, you may want to consider asking a friend or family member if you can have the sale at their place. Go through and organize your items. Price all of your items ahead of time. Remember that at a garage sale, people are looking for dirt cheap items. If you have a lot of one item, such as clothing, consider setting it on a table with a sign saying that everything on that table is a quarter, or whatever price seems fair to you.


The more you advertise about the sale, the more traffic you are likely to have. A few days before the sale, get some weatherproof signs to put on your street corners, and at some of the major intersections near your home. Put the date and time of your garage sale, where it is, and even some big ticket items that may attract people. Consider putting something like “everything must go” or “name your price” if you are truly determined to get rid of everything at your sale.

Moving can be a challenge, but having a garage sale to eliminate some of the clutter can be a great way to make it easier. You can use the money made for your garage sale to hire some San Antonio movers, or you could just put it into savings for a later date. No matter what you do, having that extra money will feel great!