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5 Strange Things about San Antonio Every Newcomer Needs to Know

Planning on using your San Antonio moving company sometime in the near future? Then expect to run into more than one thing that will throw you off guard; trust us, San Antonio is known for its surprises!

Once you get used to living in the Alamo City, plan on having tons of fun showing your visiting friends and family all the quirks you get to enjoy on a daily basis. But before you make the big move, prepare yourself with this list from All My Sons San Antonio of the five strange things about San Antonio every newcomer needs to know.

1. San Antonio has bats. While most people think that the only Texas city known for having bats is Austin, your San Antonio movers are here to tell you that they are wrong. There are plenty of strange things about San Antonio, including the fact that it has its own colony of bats that have made the Camden and Newell intersection their home. A great thing to do with visiting friends and family is to take them on a guided tour in order to see the 20 million bats that emerge from Bracken Cave.

2. San Antonio has a toilet seat museum. Who knew that a toilet seat museum even existed? Well, not only does it exist, but your San Antonio moving company is here to tell you that you will now be able to be a proud season pass holder to the one and only San Antonio toilet seat museum. Hey, dreams do come true after all!

3. San Antonio loves puffy tacos. Imagine a corn tortilla, deep-fried until it puffs up and is then stuffed with anything your heart desires, whether it is ground beer, shredded chicken, or shrimp. It's not hard to see why San Antonio loves puffy tacos so much, is it? In fact, the city loves puffy tacos so much, that they even have a puffy taco mascot that races around the bases at San Antonio's Missions games.

4. San Antonio beats the heat with paletas. Long since considered your San Antonio movers favorite snack to cool down with after unloading the moving truck, paletas are essentially naturally flavored popsicles. They come in milk-based flavors, such as vanilla, pecan, and chocolate, and fruit-based flavors, such as strawberry, mango, cucumber, watermelon, tamarind, or pineapple. Simply keep your eyes peeled for someone pushing a paleta cart downtown and flag them down!

5. San Antonio loves honking. Don't be alarmed if you are walking down the street, and all of a sudden wild gangs of cars start honking their horns seemingly out of nowhere; chances are, the San Antonio Spurs are playing a game and have just won. For whatever reason, one of the strange things about San Antonio is that the locals like to celebrate a Spurs win by honking their car horns as loudly and as often as they can. In fact, don't be surprised if your San Antonio moving company does the same thing on your drive into town!