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Is Your Neighbor Hurting Your Home’s Value?

You probably pay attention to detail when it comes to your own house, yard, and property in general—but what about if your neighbors aren't as attentive? The Memphis local movers know how frustrating it can be when parts of your neighborhood are a straight up eyesore, but aside from being annoying, have you considered that it might affect your home's worth? Unkempt yards, foul smells, dangerous trees and other problems can reduce your home value by 5 percent! Read on to learn more.

The worst thing to do is bang on your neighbor's front door with a bad attitude. Essentially they can handle their property as they see fit, so for you to stomp over to their turf will likely not be received well. There are a few alternative ways to approach the situation and likely have a better result, such as inviting your neighbor over to chat and catch up, or at least schedule a time that is convenient for you both to have a conversation.

Next, ask them off the bat how they are doing. Maybe there is a family crisis, an emergency, a need for help or some other reason that their home's appearance has fallen by the wayside. Showing concern will be a great and genuine way to segue into a discussion about their home. Understanding your neighbor allows them to feel comfortable and you to communicate honestly.

Or, make it about your own scenario, such as “my daughter can't sleep in the afternoons because you play your music too loud.” This can lead into compromising on a time of day for certain activities if noise or something along those lines is the problem. This is more effective than saying “your music is always too loud,” when they have a right to carry on with activities in their home just like you do.

If they are not receptive to compromise or conversation, you might have to take a more legal approach, such as obtaining and sharing a copy of the local noise ordinance with them. Don't come across as aggressive or condescending; simply use it as a supplement to further what you have already been trying to communicate to them.

Do the best you can to accomplish a compromise without upsetting your neighbor or requiring a mediator. Try to ease the topic and also take on some of the blame yourself, or offer to help them—why not suggest mowing their lawn when you are mowing your own to make that easier for them?