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Keeping or Donating Furniture: How to Decide

To keep or not to keep? That is the question. When it comes to moving, not only do you have to worry about packing boxes, but also you have to transfer your furniture to your new home. Furniture will take up the most room, so it is important to spend some time deciding which furniture to keep versus which furniture to donate.

Our Tulsa residential movers suggest making a list of all your furniture categorized into whether to keep, donate, or sell each item. Follow these tips from our movers in Tulsa on keeping or donating furniture before your move.

When to Keep Furniture

There are a few matters to consider when differentiating between keeping or donating furniture.Unless you want to spend thousands of dollars replacing all of your furniture, you will want to take some with you. The furniture you decide to take should fit a few characteristics.

If you plan on moving furniture, it should be items that you like and will continue to use. These would be items that are in good condition and you do not plan on replacing anytime soon. If the item is badly scratched or broken, you are better off getting rid of it before your move.

Another aspect to consider when deciding between keeping or donating furniture is how much space you have in your new home. Only bring furniture that you will have room for.

Do not forget about furniture that has been in your family for generations. If it has some sentimental value, such as an heirloom, you should consider keeping it. If this same furniture is falling apart, it may be worth your while to see if it can be fixed or refurbished before deciding to bring it with you to your new home.

When to Donate Furniture

Donating household items is a good way to lighten the load of your move. There is no point in taking furniture to your new home that you don't want. The easiest way to get rid of furniture is to donate it.

Any items you choose to donate should be gently used or new. Do not donate badly damaged items. If it broken beyond repair, it is time to throw out the item.

When contemplating keeping or donating furniture items, you will want to look at what items you want to replace. If you never liked the piece or you are just looking for something new, then donating is a good option.

Before you head to your local donation center, our movers in Tulsa suggest deciding if you are able to live without it as it may take a while to find a suitable replacement item. You may be able to live without bedside tables for a few weeks, but you may not be able to live comfortably without a dresser. Donate the bedside tables before you leave and take the dresser with you to be donated at a later time.

If you are downsizing from a 4-bedroom house to a 2-bedroom apartment, chances are you do not want to bring those two extra bedroom sets to your new home. These are great items to drop off at a donation center and could earn you a nice tax break.

At All My Sons Moving & Storage Tulsa, our Oklahoma movers have seen plenty of furniture come in and out of homes. We know that moving furniture is tough and whatever furniture you decide to keep, you want to arrive in good condition. Let our Oklahoma movers help you with professional Tulsa packing supplies and services to make sure all your furniture makes it to your new home safe and sound.