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How to Make the Most of Your Tulsa Backyard

There is no better time than spring to use your Tulsa moving company, especially if it is to move to a home with a backyard.

However, for those who are not used to having a backyard, it can seem like a daunting and overwhelming responsibility. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to turn your Tulsa backyard into the garden retreat you have always wanted, or to at least turn it into a low-maintenance area that your neighbors won't complain about. Regardless of what kind of space you want, this guide from All My Sons Tulsa of how to make the most of your Tulsa backyard has exactly what you are looking for.

Plant some flowers. For those who are trying to keep their garden as low maintenance as possible without having it turn into an eyesore, all you have to do is plant some flowers. Green thumbs are not required; simply use a grass replacement option such as Fleur de Lawn, a mix that produces low-growing perennial flowers that change with the seasons. Once your Tulsa moving company gets you settled in, all you need to do is add some strategically placed pathways, and then as if by magic you will have a stress-free, self-sufficient Tulsa backyard.

Attract some birds. Why not turn your new Tulsa backyard into a birdwatcher's dream? While you may not be a bird enthusiast, attracting birds to your backyard will still help dress it up and effortlessly fill it with life. You can easily do this by:

  • Adding bird feeders. Making sure that your Tulsa moving company unpacks a bird feeder or two will attract all types of birds. Not to mention, bird feeders are generally decorative and add a little something extra to your Tulsa backyard.

  • Adding bird baths. The same goes for bird baths; including some in your backyard will kill two birds with one stone (no pun intended) by dressing up your Tulsa backyard and attracting some new winged friends.

  • Adding bird houses. Chances are, your bird feeders will go to waste if you do not add some bird houses as well. Otherwise, birds will not stop by to stay hello in a Tulsa backyard where they do not feel safe.

Do some DIY crafts. Have you been scrolling through the pages of Pinterest a little bit too much lately? Then now is the perfect time to unpack those craft supplies that your Tulsa moving company relocated for you, and hop to it! Some DIY crafts to spice up your new Tulsa backyard include: making a wind chime out of old keys, turning old wine bottles into homemade tiki torches, or transforming an old chair into a one-of-a-kind yard swing.