All My Sons Moving & Storage
Let's Talk About YOUR MOVE...
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Budget Your Move

It's no secret that moving can get expensive. Luckily, your friends at the Tulsa local movers have a few tips on maximizing your moving costs to truly get the most for your money. Moving is the time to ask people to share their resources and do your research: The difference can mean thousands of dollars saved.There is the option of renting a van and recruiting your friends, but that means you might need to pay to rent blankets to cover big items and for dollies to move items -- that can add up hundreds more in your budget. Similarly, you might only need two instead of three guys, if you hire a moving company, and that can mean hundreds off your bill. It pays to budget and that means knowing what you need to consider when moving.

First, figure out what you will need to move efficiently. Do you need a moving company or a rental? If you're planning a DIY move and the move is small, without a lot of big pieces of furniture -- maybe you can forgo the costs of renting and borrow a friend's car, van or (even better) truck. But again, plan ahead! This means giving your friend plenty of advance warning as the last-minute rental of a moving truck or van will cost you more. Also, once you start packing you will likely realize you have more belongings that you realized!

Know your real budget. Know how much the truck costs for the day and include gas -- which can add up in those big trucks -- and mileage. Unlike rental cars, many van rentals charge you per mile driven, which can add up. As for food, it might not be something you think of ahead of time, but it can add up. If you have five people helping you, that can mean two or three meals for a long moving day, or the expense of a few pizzas and cases of beer, which can also add up.

Get boxes, boxes, and more boxes! Better to have too many than not enough. Stock up sooner rather than later by asking grocery store managers and other big bin stores for their tossed packing boxes. While you might be able to get boxes from friends and businesses to save money, if you have last-minute items and no boxes, a lot of money will be spent buying boxes from the moving company.

Remember to stay organized, stay calm, and stay focused on your next apartment!