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Tips to Clean Your House Using Vinegar

So, you made the mistake of buying the jumbo size vinegar to save a few bucks? Luckily, the expert movers at All My Sons Moving & Storage Tulsa have the perfect solution to solve your acidic problem. Whether you’re moving to a new house in Tulsa or just doing a simple routine clean-up, vinegar is a useful and safe product to clean your home, and keep your family and pets healthy. Our Tulsa movers share some tips to help you clean before you move.

Someone forget to cover their food in the microwave again? We’ve all been there, and now, you’re left with a scary scene straight out of the horror movie S.A.W. (Wanna Play a Game?)

Well, let’s switch up the genre on this movie mess and give that microwave a happy-ending. Break out your vinegar and clean your microwave. Mix a half cup of water and a half cup of white distilled vinegar, place it in the microwave for one minute. The solution will aromatize inside and help the splattered food loosen for an easy clean-up.

We’ve all dealt with this next one - smelly refrigerators. Doesn’t matter if you’re a parent, college student, or simply skimming by with a hand-me-down fridge; at some point, they stink! Time to plug your nose and dive in, we have to save this thing before it’s too late. Grab your vinegar and eliminate the stink. Vinegar is a green product, so it is safe to use around foods that your family consumes. It is also a natural grease-cutter, so you will not have to use too much elbow grease to get the job done. Use that clean microwave to heat up some warm water and mix in some vinegar. Give your refrigerator a nice, clean sweep. The results may surprise you! You can thank your Tulsa movers and packers later.

You may be getting tired at this point in our vinegar cleaning spree. No worries, we’ve made our way to the coffee maker. The best part, your efforts only have to be minimal to get your morning’s best friend brewing like new. Run white distilled vinegar through your coffee maker for a brewing cycle. The vinegar will help clean your coffee maker from the inside. Don’t get too excited though and spring into a fresh cup of joe immediately after. You must remember to run another cycle of just water, that is unless you like vinegar in your fresh brew.

Who doesn’t love a good slaughter in the kitchen? I know those cutting boards definitely appreciate being used for what they were made for. Raw meat and dirty veggies can leave cutting boards covered in germs that can make your family extremely sick, and the worst part – you can’t see them! Forget the dish soap and grab the vinegar. This amazing product has gotten you this far, and is ready for its next match. Vinegar will kill meat and pesticide germs, keep your cutting boards clean, and your family safe.

Dinner is made, now what to do with all this grease and grime in your pots and pans? Yup, you guessed it, time for your new best friend to step to the plate again. Remove greasiness from pots, pans, and skillets with some hot water, and soak your pots and pans with vinegar. The ingredients in vinegar will send the grease sliding off.

Cleaners can get expensive and are filled with ingredients that are harmful to humans and pets. Our Tulsa moving company suggests using the safe alternative - grab some vinegar for little chores around the home. It is just as safe as it is effective! Happy cleaning from your Tulsa movers.

If you need more moving and cleaning tips visit our blog. It’s chalk full of tips, tricks and hacks from the professionals at All My Sons Moving & Storage.