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Staying Home on the First Valentine’s Day in Your New Home

It is February, so you know what that means, right? Stores deck themselves out in red, chocolates are given, cards are exchanged, and dinner reservations are made. But before you pick up that phone and call that over-priced restaurant, you may want to consider a few things that your Oklahoma City packing and moving specialists know to be true.

  1. The overpriced menu. Restaurants know that they will be more crowded on the most romantic day of the year—and they know you will pay more to be there—so what do they do? Jack up the prices, of course! Most restaurants will be offering a prix fixe menu, which forces you to pay more than you normally would for a nice meal out. Wine pairings are also typically prix fixe, so you will shell out even more to make the night extra special. Why deal with that when you can have a more romantic, personal, and probably tastier meal in your own home with your Valentine?

  2. You get lost in the crowd. Restaurants typically make more reservations than they can handle on Valentine's Day, in case someone does not show up. On a night that is already slammed, this is a recipe for disaster! If you have ever been out on Valentine's Day, then you know what we are talking about. You will almost certainly wait in spite of your reservation. On a night that is supposed to be special, you seem to get lost in the big crowd. To avoid the mess, you are better off staying in your new Oklahoma City home. After all, you and your Valentine can unpack belongings in candlelight or dim lights, with a bottle of wine, and turn some romantic music on, or find your box of linens and curl up on the floor of your new living room and watch a movie together.

  3. The restaurant staff is stressed out. The vibe inside a restaurant on Valentine's Day is chaotic. Now imagine working in that! The staff is stressed out, and it shows. No one wants to be stuck at work on Valentine's Day, and all too often, the most inexperienced servers are put on the floor, as senior staff requests the night off. And once you sit down, tables will be squished together, your waiter will be stressed, and will want and need you out of there as soon as possible, making your date feel rushed. On top of that, the most romantic night of the year is called “amateur hour” in the business. That is because people who normally do not go out to fancy dinners, feel that they should on Valentine's Day. That means that most Valentine's customers have exceptionally high expectations, adding to the servers' stress levels. So again, if you have recently moved into a new home and are considering going out with your Valentine, despite the stress of moving, Oklahoma movers think that it is best to sit this one out in your new home, so that receiving mediocre service for an overpriced meal does not add to your moving stress.

Use Valentine's Day as the perfect way to have your first romantic night in your new home. Make it complete with candles, romantic music and wine. Your Oklahoma City moving company knows that despite the fact that you are moving, you can still make your Valentine's Day special!