All My Sons Moving & Storage
Let's Talk About YOUR MOVE...
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When is the Best Time to Move to Charlotte?

About 46 million Americans move during any given year. Statistically speaking, there are times of the year which are busier than others. If you have the option, you'll want to avoid the months between May and September, as a large majority (just above 60 percent) of that 46-million people move during this time. Though that's a relatively large portion of the year, Charlotte movers agree that it's very busy time for moving.

If possible, try to plan a move in the fall, between October and December or during late winter-to-early spring months, between mid-February and April. The winter months are the least busy. However, in some areas of the United States, it could be the least safe time to move. Our Charlotte movers are sure you'll want to avoid any slips, injuries, or damage to your belongings!

If you find yourself having to move during the winter, remember to take the right safety precautions. Our Corpus Christi, TX location has a helpful article on moving in the winter, but if you need a few extra tips, check out this article from the Huffington Post!

Likewise, perhaps the best days of the week to move are Mondays and Thursdays. These are the least busiest days of the week for just about any business—generally speaking, not much really happens on Mondays and Thursdays. If you have the flexibility, keep your moving day(s) during the week, as weekends can be the absolute most hectic times to do it!

Further still, you'll want to get it done during the right times of day. You may want to get the coffee brewing now, actually—brace yourself! Charlotte movers suggest the best time of the day to get it all started is early in the morning. We're talking as soon as there's blue in the sky, that's when you should kick into gear and get going! That's not so easy for some of us to do on any given day, but this is the big move! You have to get pumped-up! The sooner you get going, the sooner you can get finished!

If you choose your moving date and times wisely, you can save yourself a ton of hassle and stress, and, of course, save yourself money. Who doesn't like to save a couple bucks, right?

When you're ready to get going and plan out your move, give the Charlotte movers at All My Sons Moving & Storage a call to get a free quote today! Whether its partial service, full service, or you just need some supplies, we've got you covered for your move. Remember, the sooner you get going, the sooner you get done!