All My Sons Moving & Storage
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When Do I Need to Wear a Face Mask?

Before the COVID-19 outbreak, you could leave your house with your keys, wallet, and cell phone. But now you are required to add a new accessory to your wardrobe. Yes, that's right, your trusty face mask that you seem always to forget is now a staple fashion piece. Whenever you leave the house, you are most likely going to have to turn around and go back inside due to the fact that you forgot your face mask. But when do you need to wear a face mask? Learn more from our expert Charlotte movers of All My Sons Moving & Storage.

Are Cloth Face Masks Effective Against Coronavirus?

As you begin to ponder the burning question if you should wear a face mask and are they effective against coronavirus, the simple answer is yes. You can use any sort of face mask as a protective shield against the virus and other germs. People are also making their own cloth face masks at home during this time due to a shortage of personal protective equipment. Finding a surgical face mask is tough due to the demand for healthcare workers. Any kind of face mask will help against coronavirus much better than no face mask. Keep in mind, you are going to want to choose a material like cotton that is breathable since you are going to be covering your nose and mouth.

Importance of Both Wearing a Face Mask AND Social Distancing

But when should you be wearing a face mask? If you want to stay as safe and protected as possible, then you should be wearing a face mask anytime you leave your house. Whether you are going for a walk in your neighborhood or picking up groceries, wear a face mask to keep any germs or potentially even the coronavirus to yourself, preventing the spread of COVID-19. Keep in mind, however, that just because you are wearing a face mask doesn't mean you should neglect social distancing guidelines. Make sure you are staying safe by wearing a protective covering. The face mask acts as an added layer of protection when you are out in public and in contact with other humans. Prevent the further spread of COVID-19 by wearing your protective equipment. You never know if someone has coronavirus if you come into contact with them. Stay protected and protect others - wear your face masks.

Who Should NOT Wear a Face Mask?

While it may sound silly, there are a few people that shouldn't wear a face mask. According to the CDC, children under the age of 2 as well as individuals who have trouble breathing and those who are unconscious, incapacitated, or unable to remove the mask without help.1 But social distancing is a must, whether or not you are wearing a face mask.

Wear a Face Mask While Moving During COVID-19 Pandemic

If you need any help relocating during COVID-19, our Charlotte residential movers are here, ready to help. Here at All My Sons Moving & Storage, we are following the proper health and safety guidelines, wearing face masks and gloves, and keeping our distance as we help the community move homes. Please contact us today to learn more about how we can help you move during COVID-19.

Here at All My Sons Moving & Storage, we thank our clients for trusting us with their relocation. Given the increased attention of COVID-19 (coronavirus), we want to assure all clients that their safety and our employees' safety are a top priority. While we're experts in moving, we want our clients to know that we're actively implementing the health and safety guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure we take the proper precautions.

We've instructed our employees that experience symptoms, defined by the CDC, to not report to work and instead contact their doctors. We ask that if you or any of your family members have experienced COVID-19 symptoms, please let us know immediately so we can take the proper additional precautions.

As a company, we believe in serving our community and supporting each other, especially during difficult times. We believe in the power of us, all of us!

COVID-19 Resources

1. World Health Organization - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Coronavirus (COVID-19)

3. Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority - Coronavirus Resources


CDC - About Cloth Face Coverings