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Productivity Trends to Try in 2021

Within the blink of an eye, 2020 has come and gone. It is time to welcome the new year and start prepping for everything in front of us. At All My Sons Moving & Storage, our team enjoys starting the new year reflecting on the past and pinpointing some tips and tricks on how to be a more productive person. We got together with our local Missouri moving company and asked our team of movers and packers for some of their productivity tips on how to be happy and productive going into 2021.

Tips to Increase Productivity

Being a more productive person does not happen overnight. You must make consistent small changes and implement them into your daily lifestyle -- and you must stick with them. There is no better opportunity to become more productive than right now. The end of the year gives you plenty of chances to look back and see where you may have fallen short or what you could have done to be more efficient. We have found some of our best productivity tips that are sure to keep you on track and away from distractions.

Productivity or Laziness?

Our Platte Woods movers believe that this is the most important productivity tip we could offer. Often times, people will find minuscule tasks to avoid doing the real work, whether it be scrolling through emails, attending meetings, or any other number of time-saving methods. These are often just excuses to keep you from doing real work. Place focus this upcoming new year on doing things that matter most with little distraction. Ensure you are doing everything as efficiently and effectively as possible. After all, the lazy man works twice as hard. So really ask yourself, “Am I doing this task to avoid doing something more important?”

The 80/20 Rule

A great productivity tip to prioritize tasks is the 80/20 rule or the Pareto Principle. This principle entails that 80% of results will come from 20% of the efforts. This new year, challenge yourself to identify the most important 20% of your work and look at the ways to downsize the remaining 80% of your schedule. Our Kansas City local movers ensure that using this matrix will help you find more time for things that have a bigger impact.

Take a Break

No one can be productive for eight hours straight without being mentally drained the next few hours after. It is physically impossible to stay distraction-free for that long, and our brains often grow exhausted. Be proactive about giving yourself a structured and planned break in between tasks. Our Oakland park movers recommend taking a short 5-15-minute break after every hour or so. If you are completing a longer task that takes 3-4 hours, consider giving yourself a 30 min break. During this time, go for a walk, grab a coffee, or hang out by the water cooler with some colleagues. This productivity tip will help you feel refreshed and recharged, ready to achieve maximum efficiency.

Create a System

Developing a structured system for your daily productivity habits can help ensure you are completing tasks and managing distractions effectively. Create a schedule as to when you are going to complete certain tasks and set a timer to ensure you are delegating projects efficiently. If you find yourself glued to your email for most of the day, find a scheduled time before, during, and after work to follow up with everyone. Creating a system is a great productivity habit to keep you from getting distracted from the more important goals that require your energy.

Everyone struggles this time of year, wondering how to be a more productive person. But through proper planning, taking time for yourself, and strategic delegation, you can be well on your way to a more productive lifestyle. At All My Sons Moving & Storage, we assure you that by following our productivity tips, you will be able to maximize efficiency.

If you are planning a move, be sure to maximize your productivity by hiring our professional movers and packers. We offer incredible Kansas city relocation services to best fit your moving needs. Whether you are relocating short- or long-distance, we have got you covered. We will handle the packing and moving so you can spend more time enjoying your new home and less time stressing. Our movers and packers have created seamless moving experiences for all our customers for the past 20 years, so be sure to call one of our representatives today for more information.