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5 Home Improvements to Make Before You Move In

Moving into a new home is an exciting time because you often get a fresh start at so many things: a new job, new neighborhood and the potential for new friends. Before the Kansas City movers get started on unloading your belongings in the new space, you should take the time to make a couple of home improvements. Doing so before you are settled in can save you time, money and headaches. Here are the four most important changes you can make before moving into the new house.

1. Kitchen or Bathroom Remodeling

Not everyone will want to change the bathroom or kitchen, but if it is on your to-do list, consider tackling it before you are actually living in the home. Even simple upgrades in these areas can get messy and disrupt your life substantially. Consider these changes while the house is still empty:

  • Installing new appliances

  • Upgrading countertops

  • Redoing the floor with tile or hardwood

As a bonus, you will not have to worry about living in a house without water while the improvements are in the works.

2. Changing Locks, Doors or Windows

Most people know to change the locks on a new home. It is good sense to install new fixtures or keyless entry before you move in so you do not run the risk of the former owner or someone else having a way into the house. If you plan on installing a new door or windows, the process can mean shutting off entire rooms while the work is being done. Move these tasks up on the calendar so they are finished by the time you are ready to take over the house.

3. Painting

Whether you choose to do it yourself or hire someone, painting is a task that is best done in an empty home. The odor alone can be unpleasant, much less the potential mess that it makes. Consider that if you already have your furniture and belongings in place, you will have to move them, cover them or otherwise protect them in order to paint. If you have children or pets, keep in mind that trying to paint with them around can mean the job takes twice as long to do.

4. Attention to Storage

Closet space often falls high on a homeowner’s priority list, and for good reason: You want enough room to store holiday decorations, clothes, household supplies and more. If you have plans to organize your storage spaces, including your garage, you may want to do it before moving into the home. Putting up shelving or closet systems is much easier to do in a space that is devoid of all your belongings.

5. Flooring

New carpet, new hardwoods or refinishing existing flooring combines total disruption with the potential for a big mess and unpleasant odor. Get the flooring done ahead of time so you can move in your furniture without the worry of having to shift it around the room later.

No matter what you choose to do before relocating, make sure you take steps to protect any new improvements during the transition. For example, Kansas City movers should put mats down on the floor to prevent scratching the new hardwoods, and you should take care not to ding your freshly painted walls by moving new furniture inside too hastily.