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Everything You Need to Know About Moving to Baltimore

You've found the perfect home in the perfect neighborhood and you're ready to make your big move to Maryland. Before moving, it is always a good idea to do a little research on the new city you will be calling home for the foreseeable future. Our Baltimore local movers are sure you've done plenty of research on your new neighborhood, crime statistics, and job outlook -- but how much research time have you really put into learning about the city? Before moving to Baltimore, it is important to learn more about the culture, practices, and random fun facts of the people and city.

Without further ado, let's take a look at a few things you should know before your big move.

Living in Baltimore, Maryland

10. When moving to Baltimore, you should know that the Baltimore Ravens are a pretty big deal, and home-grown Baltimoreans are very enthusiastic about their favorite football team. The Ravens are actually named after the famous poem, The Raven, by Edgar Allen Poe.

9. Did you know Maryland has an official sport? As of 2004, the official team sport in Baltimore is lacrosse, and in 1962, the official sport was jousting. For those unsure of what jousting is, it is a bit like a duel, but on horses and lances. The game involves two individuals riding horses and using lances with blunt tips while wearing protective gear. The horsemen then lunge at each other, and whoever is knocked off first loses.

8. Are you a classical music lover who is moving to Baltimore? The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is also quite a big deal. In fact, they were the first orchestra to receive help from a city.

7. As you may have noticed, Baltimore is home to several hills and mountains. The highest point in Maryland is 3,360 feet above sea level; but did you know it also has very low points as well? The lowest point in the state is actually 174 feet below sea level! The area is known as Bloody Point Hole, located at the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. The reason it is known as the Bloody Point is still up for debate. Perhaps after moving to Baltimore, you will learn the secrets!

6. The National Aquarium on the Inner Harbor in Baltimore has over 750 species of marine life. Fun Fact: The National Aquarium holds over 2 million gallons of water and welcomes roughly 1.5 million visitors each year.

5. If you are an aspiring dentist moving to Baltimore, the University of Maryland is the first dental school opened in the entire country. Your teeth are bound to be sparking in Baltimore.

4. Our Baltimore movers also want you to know a little about their famous residents. David Hasselhoff was originally from Baltimore, Maryland, and lived in the city during his early years.

3. Maryland is also the first state to have implemented Workman's Compensation.

2. Maryland was the first state to have a blackout. In 1813, Maryland residents were warned of an attack and hoisted lanterns in trees and at the tops of ships to throw off their attackers. This helped secure their safety as they awaited the end in the dark.

1. Finally, you should know that after moving to Baltimore with our Maryland movers, you may live longer. Maryland is home to some of the oldest living people in the country. There have been residents as old as 114.

Contact us today for your free, no-obligation quote! We can't wait to help you with moving to Baltimore. Our Maryland residential movers are sure you will love it!