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Why Buy a Home in Baton Rouge?

When it comes to growing southern metropolitan areas, Baton Rouge is a consistent and stable market. When an area is described with those words, it should definitely catch your attention as a place for real estate growth and financial stability, both of which can lead to a very lucrative position as a homeowner and investor. If you are thinking buying investment property in Baton Rouge, here are some reasons why you should move forward with the endeavor and become a homeowner here.

Steady demand. Thanks to the state capitol and the huge LSU student body and faculty, there is always a demand for residential property here in Baton Rouge. If you choose to buy and live in a home here, it will likely go up in value over the years, or at least retain value.

As they say: “they aren’t making any more land,” so as the demand continues, the supply will eventually max out. This is an empowering position to be in as a homeowner.

Additionally, you may consider buying a home solely as an investment property in the area. If this is the case, then that is a smart idea as well, because the turnover of students every few years means you have a wide pool of potential tenants to live in the property and pay the mortgage.

Even if you don’t have a full time tenant, you can list the home on sites like Air BNB or Home Away, where customers can find rental homes for political meetings at the capitol or for home football games for the LSU Tigers. The key is so remain creative and to keep the property in pristine and desirable condition for tenants.

Economic stability. In Baton Rouge, not only is there a high volume employment sector for engineering, oil/gas industry, and other skilled industries, but the companies in the area are growing consistently, making Baton Rouge a great place for recent grads to move and lock in legitimate and well-paying careers. Of course, the strengthening of the local economy and the demand for housing will only help to raise the value of your home.

As you can see, there are many reasons why buying a home in Baton Rouge can be a wise personal investment. If you are thinking of moving to Baton Rouge, we suggest browsing the available homes now, before the area continues to gain popularity and the affordable and well-built/maintained homes are snatched off the market.

Best of luck on your decision to buy in Baton Rouge!