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Best Places to Live in Baton Rouge

Did you know that Baton Rouge is famous for the Istrouma Bluff? By design, the bluff is supposed to keep the city of Baton rouge from flooding.

In case you need more reasons to want to move to Baton Rouge, then you can rest assured there are plenty more where that came from! In 2010, Baton Rouge was rated as "Top 10 Places for Young Adults" by Portfolio Magazine. In 2009, Baton Rouge was rated as "Top 20 Cities in North America for Economic Strength." It is no better time to move to Baton Rouge as the temperature is becoming cooler, and the crime rate in certain neighborhoods are significantly lower. With our top best places to live in Baton Rouge, moving day to the “Capital Area” will be much easier for you.

Beauregard Town is a neighborhood in Baton Rouge. The main thoroughfare is Government Street. Beauregard Town is bounded by North Street and St. Louis Street. Beauregard Town's housing stock consists of apartment complexes as well as homes for rent. The neighborhood is located next to the Garden District and Brooks Park; which offers green ways for the residents of Beauregard to enjoy. Beauregard Town is close to interstate 10 and public transportation is easily accessible.

Inniswood is a 2.2 square mile neighborhood in East Baton Rouge. The community of Inniswood is socioeconomically and culturally mixed. The retail district that serves the neighborhood is reflective of its residents. There are public and private schools that service the Inniswood neighborhood. Inniswood is bounded by Airline Highway and Greenwell Springs Road. There are a number of apartment and condominiums available in the Inniswood area.

Oak Hills Place is a neighborhood south of interstate 10. Oak Hills Road is bounded on the west by Sugar Lane; on the east by Bluebonnet Boulevard; on the south by Highland Road and on the north by Perkins Road. There are a number of condominiums and apartments available on all the bounding streets of the neighborhood. Inside the community are homes available for rent or lease. Oak Hills Road has several waterways throughout the community that avail the residents of Oak Hills the opportunity for fishing and walking along the lakes' edge. Both public and private schools service the community and public transportation is available.

Old Jefferson has at its center, Barringer Road Park. Residents of Old Jefferson have great green ways for recreational activities. Old Jefferson is bounded in a triangle by Jefferson Highway, Antioch Road, and Tiger Bend Road. Although there are no rental properties directly in Old Jefferson, there are, a number of apartments and converted homes within very close proximity. There are public schools that serve the families in the Old Jefferson neighborhood.

With so many great and safe neighborhoods in Baton Rouge, calling this area home is a no brainer. Contact your local Baton Rouge movers today and start your new journey in the Baton Rouge area.