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10 Great Foods to Fuel up Your Body & Mind on Your Moving Day

Everybody’s moving day is different. You may have a lot of packing and preparing to do, or your Atlanta movers may be providing you a full-service relocation to your new home –packing and all. Regardless of your specific moving needs though, everybody needs to be alert and energized on his or her moving day. Even if your move won’t be physically taxing on you, a sharp mind is always an important asset for anybody moving in Atlanta. The best way to prepare your body and mind for a big day of moving is to fuel up with the right foods. There are lots of simple meal and snack ideas that are sure to keep your well-fed during your move and able to really tackle the day; be it mentally or physically!

  • Celery and Peanut Butter

    One great and easy-to-make snack is one that everybody is surely familiar with. Celery stalks and peanut butter is a great snack for you on your moving day because it is quick, mobile, and provides useful fiber and protein to keep your appetite satisfied, and your body and mind nimble.

  • Oatmeal and Berries

    Breakfast is an important meal for any day, but especially so on a day like this. Oatmeal and berries are an excellent combination for a fueling breakfast as it is packed with fiber carbohydrates and protein. The berries are a great source for useful sugars and antioxidants and really add flavor to this breakfast of champions.

  • Cereal with Fruit

    Another smart breakfast choice for your moving day fruit-topped cereal. Cereal has filling carbohydrates, and the natural sugars from fruit like bananas or strawberries make this meal tasty and energizing.

  • Fruit and Nuts

    Snacking is especially convenient for your moving day; much quicker than preparing a meal, an arsenal of moving day snacks will keep your appetite at bay and your body and mind in prime condition to take on the day. Fruit and nuts are a great source of protein fiber and natural sugars and make for a perfect snack on your momentous moving day.

  • Salmon and Greens

    Salmon is a great course for a brain fueling meal. A fantastic source of vital fatty acids and lean protein, salmon is great fuel for a busy day of moving. Partnered up with dark leafy greens such as spinach, you have yourself a very smart powerful meal!

  • Whole Grain Pasta

    Whole grain being the key words here, a simple meal like this is great for your move day. Whole grain pasta is a rich source of fiber and energy which is slowly released throughout the day to keep you sharp and alert.

  • Whole Grain Bagel and Orange Juice

    Another whole grain food option in a much quicker form, the bagel and OJ combo is a great pick-me-up snack, and is also filling. Vitamin C from orange juice is a great source of energy, and really compliments a bagel well!

  • Yogurt and Granola

    Another quick and ideal snack idea for your moving day menu is yogurt and granola. A very flavorful snack, this quick recipe also offers protein calcium and fiber; great building blocks for a moving day snack to keep your on top of your game come moving day.

  • Peanut Butter Sandwiches

    Peanut butter is a powerful ingredient for a moving day snack. Peanut butter sandwiches on whole wheat bread are tasty, energizing, and can even be customized with your favorite fruit for added flavor and energy!

  • Cheese Toast and Fruit

    With this quick and simple snack, you cover all bases. With this great snack you get filling carbohydrates to keep your appetite at bay, useful fats and proteins, and natural energizing (not to mention tasty) sugars to top it off. It is easy to see why this snack is great for your move day!

There are so many more snack and meal ideas that are perfect for anybody who has a long day of moving ahead of them. Good food for your body and mind is almost as important as hiring professional Atlanta movers to quickly and safely transport your household items so that your moving day is a sure success. Happy eating, and happy moving!