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Tips for Selling Your Marietta Home

The real estate market can be a funny thing—sometimes; homes sell in a matter of days, and other times it can take months. So how do you know what to prepare for? The Marietta local movers have compiled a few tips to help you get your home sold in less time. Keep reading and learn how to make your home stand out even when comparable properties are available, as well as many other tips.

Don't discount the first impression. First impressions, in real estate and in life, are very important. Make sure the front door, the yard, and the exterior paint are all freshly maintained and tended to.

Bank on curb appeal. Fresh flowers planted and a raked yard will help people to be initially attracted to the home, as it shows it is taken care of. Curb appeal is a strong variable because it can literally attract the attention of prospective buyers who are en route to another property!

Light it up. An illuminated home is one that is welcoming and warm. Turn on exterior lights, and maybe add a few lanterns and other additional light sources to increase the glow that your home emits.

Get organized. If you are still living in your home, staying organized is a key part of keeping the appeal and interest up on your home. Organized spaces showcase how big rooms and areas are—and can even make them look bigger.

Stay out of the picture. For the most part, realtors can hold their own when it comes to selling a property. Unless someone asks you to come in or asks a particular question about the history of the home that no one else knows the answer to, it is best for you to keep your distance and let the professionals do their jobs.

Fix leaks and swap out shot bulbs. A leaky faucet might make someone nervous about the plumbing, which can raise doubt due to potential repair expenses. Swapping out light bulbs is also important to show that everything is new and in working order. These little things can go a long way.

Keep pets elsewhere when showing your home. Even if they are sweet with you and love people, people may not reciprocate the feelings. Keep pets at a neighbor's home for an hour or so and be sure to spray some room freshener to keep any pet odor at bay.

Know that people want to see fresh and new. That means paint the walls, stain wood, and clean out gutters and air filters to make everything look newer and better for the potential new owner. Definitely paint the kitchen and bathrooms, and you might want to research the idea of a home stager if you think it could add value rather than risking it on your own.

Clean! Make sure there are no dishes in the sink, the floors are clean, the ceiling fans and blinds are dusted, and that you have prepared your home to look nice for company. If your home is dirty, you are likely to run people out.

Good luck and hopefully our tips can help!