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All My Sons Moving & Storage

How to Reduce Clutter and Reduce Stress

It's no secret that having clutter in your home can make you stressed out. The more things you accumulate, the more it feels like the walls are closing in! Luckily, your friends at the Atlanta local movers have a few tips to share on how you can get the clutter out of your home and begin living a life with less stress and more space. Here are our tips on keeping clutter under control.

15 minutes a night. Dedicate 15 minutes each night to tidying up your home. Put away dishes, straighten pillows on the couch, wipe off surfaces—set a timer and see what you can accomplish in that amount of time. Challenging yourself with this task daily will help keep your home, and everything inside of it, in check.

Make it easy. Have cleaning supplies in a bucket ready to be transported throughout your home where you need it. Check cleaners and be aware of when you are running low on something. Neatly store your cleaning supplies and tools for cleaning so that it is all easily accessible and ready to tackle messes.

Create a mini office. You need a dedicated area for paying bills, completing work tasks, and organizing your schedule. A small area with this purpose will do wonders for helping you to store tax papers and other important files, while also providing you an area to get into a productive mentality.

Quit accumulating. Stop wandering towards the sale rack and buying things that you don't need. Stick with the basic items throughout your home and only buy something if you truly have been searching for it and have a place for it within your home.

Create more storage. Areas like the bathroom typically need more storage options than what is available. Luckily, you can easily remedy this. Add shelving, use a shoe organizer inside the cabinet, and get in habit of keeping counters cleared off.

Label! Whether it is kitchen ingredients for cooking or your clothing divided in the closet, labeling what is where will help you significantly. This creates a home for everything and will encourage you to keep these labeled areas organized.

Use wall space. Everything does not have to be in the lower half of the room. Use mounted shelves and racks to get items off the floor and organized at eye level.