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Learn to Recycle Cardboard

Be Green; Learn How To Recycle Cardboard!

The United States is one of the top recycling countries in the world. Now, it may be hard to believe when you look at the dump sites because there’s so much trash! Clearly, it means that the country is not doing enough recycling. If people are better educated about the benefits of recycling and more people play their roles in the recycling process, close to 85 percent of the total waste in the US can be recycled. Everybody has the choice to recycle or not to recycle. When people learn more about why it’s important to recycle, they should be moved to make an increased effort to recycle.

What is Recycling?

Recycling is a total process in which unused items are collected, separated, and processed so that they can be reused or remanufactured into new items. Recycling is the third part in the 3R concept of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. To begin, it’s essential to reduce the amount of waste which is brought to the landfills. Items that are not used or needed should be reused. If the item is in relatively good condition, it’s a good idea to donate it. To complete the cycle, used materials should be recycled into similar materials for the production of new items.

Benefits of Recycling

One of the main benefits of recycling is the reduction of energy. When used materials are recycled, the need for new materials is decreased, and energy is saved. As the amount of industrial production is reduced, greenhouse gas emissions will be lower, which is better for the environment. When newspapers are recycled, the material can be used to produce newspapers or other paper products. This can save a lot of trees.

Recycling Paper

Paper recycling involves the recovery of waste paper and reprocessing it into material which can be used to manufacture new products. The types of paper which can be recycled are known as pre-consumer waste, post-consumer waste, and mill broke. Pre-consumer waste refers to paper which is thrown away before it is used. Post-consumer waste refers to paper which is thrown away after it’s used. Some examples of post-consumer waste are office waste, old magazines, old newspapers, and old telephone books. Mill broke refers to scrap paper and trimmings. This type of paper waste can be recycled at a paper mill.

Recycling Plastic

In plastic recycling, plastic waste is reprocessed into new plastic material. In comparison to the manufacture of fresh plastic materials, plastic recycling is estimated to cost 20 to 40 percent less energy. Some examples of plastic items which can be recycled are milk cartons, water bottles, shampoo bottles, peanut butter jars, liquid soap containers, trash bags, and plastic soda bottles. To find out if a plastic item is recyclable, just look at the 1 or 2 marking with the recycling symbol on the bottom. In the United States, more than 200,000 jobs are created via the business of plastic recycling.

Other Recyclable Materials

Other than paper and plastic, other recyclable materials include metals, rubber, textiles, and glass. To encourage people to recycle, most cities have their own recycle program. Take advantage of the weekly pick up service to clear the recyclable materials from your home. In most cases, there’s a list which outlines items which are acceptable or unacceptable by the container.

Recycling Links

Recycling Cardboard