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The Cost of Living in St. Augustine & Whether You Should Rent or Buy

For adults that are moving to a new home, it is time to make the important decision on whether you should rent or buy your new place. In order to make this decision, there are a few questions you must ask yourself when deciding if renting or buying when you move to St. Augustine is the right thing for you. First, the St. Augustine movers at All My Sons Moving & Storage suggest determining the cost of living in St. Augustine.

How long do I want to be in this house?If you are planning on living in the same house for a long amount of time, it is better to buy than rent. If you plan on staying for less than a few years, the St. Augustine movers say renting is the best option.

How stable is my life?If your job is not secure, you may not want to get involved with mortgage payments. If you are interested in getting a different job which may cause you to relocate, renting in St. Augustine is going to suit your lifestyle better than buying will.

How does the monthly cost of living in St. Augustine compare in both renting and buying?When comparing the costs of owning and renting, you need to be realistic with your approximations. Utilities cost money, but on many occasions, utilities are included in the rent. When buying a house, you need to consider property taxes, insurance, homeowner fees, lawn maintenance, and more. If you do not think you can afford all of those extras, the St. Augustine movers say that renting may be better for you.

Do I have adequate savings just in case of repairs?When renting, the apartment complex usually fixes things that are broken. When buying a house, even a new one, there may be repairs involved. If you do not think you have the extra money to pay to fix damages when they occur, you may be better off renting in St. Augustine.

The St. Augustine movers at All My Sons Moving & Storage agree that it is important to be financially stable before buying a new home, and would love to help provide all of the resources you need to help make your decision. You can use this Rent vs. Buy calculator from SmartAsset to compare your location, the cost of living in St. Augustine, and whether you should rent or buy here.