All My Sons Moving & Storage
Let's Talk About YOUR MOVE...
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How to Prepare Your Family for Your move to Jacksonville

Moving with a family far exceeds the challenges of moving all by yourself. Now, instead of worrying about you and your stuff solely, you must take into consideration your spouse, your children, and your pets if you have any... and all their items too. Well, if your moving to Jacksonville, you're in luck. The professionals at All My Sons Moving and storage are here to help you prepare you and your family for the big move.

Moving is a whole new ball game now that you have to consider your spouse and how they feel. Make sure you ask them their true feelings about the move and understand their position. Do your best to show how they will benefit from the move if they are having second thoughts. Reassure them that you are in this together and that only good can come from it.

However, if you have decided to make this move together, it's more important now than ever to work as a team in getting the rest of your family on board and prepared for moving day. Remember to stay organized and communicate throughout the entire process to ensure everything goes as smooth as it can.

Breaking the news to your children can be hard. The hardest part for young children is that they must leave their friends and start at a new school not knowing anyone. The good news is, there are things you can do to keep their minds off that during the moving process to make things a little easier for them. Reassure them about the move and how this is a family adventure, where they will be making new friends in a more exciting place. Remind them that they will be getting an even better room than they already have and they get to decorate it how they want.

Of course, packing for children can get tricky in this process as children truly never seem to know what they want. The main thing is to keep them involved throughout the process and have fun with it. Also, don't forget to have their favorite toy handy when the rough times seem to be approaching.

Can't forget about fluffy. The moving of pets need to be planned as well. No matter what kind of pet owner you are, there is always pet food, toys and your average pet kennel or crate that needs to be moved. Also depending on the size and type of pet you own, remember to make pet sitting plans to make things a little easier as you process progresses.

At any point in the process, if you feel overwhelmed, call us to help you prepare for your family move to Jacksonville. We have the packing services to assist with any stage in the moving process and the packing products for any type of move.

If you have any questions regarding packing, packing services or packing products, or you are looking for more moving tips or a Jacksonville Mover, visit our blog or call us at 904-642-6900.