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Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid After Moving Into Your New Home

You've made the move to Jacksonville and now that your belongings and furniture are being brought into your new home thanks to All My Sons Jacksonville movers, you can't wait to get your hands on a few high-powered cleaners and start scrubbing everything in sight. Well, before you turn into a cleaning machine, make sure you are not committing a clean-up crime that could actually make matters worse in your home. Here is a list of common cleaning mistakes to avoid while you're working to turn your new house into your forever home.1. Not following cleaning instructions - We're all guilty of this. We think a carpet stain should be sprayed eight times rather than the instructed two; or we double the amount of cleaning solution thinking it will make our home extra-clean. Not following cleaning instructions could actually hinder your cleaning process and leave your home in worse condition. Our local Jacksonville movers best advice - stick to the labeled instructions.2. Using the wrong cleaners - Be sure to do your research before using a cleaning solution in your new home. If you're wanting to clean and polish wood furniture, use a cleaner that is designed to do just that. If you're planning on switching to all-natural cleaners after moving to Jacksonville, make sure you are using them appropriately. A lemon can be used to cut grease on wood counter tops, but that doesn't make it the right cleaning solution for clothing with greasy stains.3. Not using the proper cleaning tools - Appliances, such as your dishwasher, are tools to make your life easier, while likely saving you time and money. When you wash dishes by hand, not only are you using more water than a dishwasher does, but you are also not disinfecting your dishes as well as a dishwasher is capable of.4. Taking on too much in a short period of time - If you only have an hour to clean, don't attempt to clean the whole house. You will end up cutting corners and being unproductive. All My Sons Moving & Storage of Jacksonville suggests using your allotted cleaning time to focus on one part or room of your new home at a time.5. Trying to do it all yourself - Just as you've enlisted the services of our local Jacksonville movers to help you move, you also should be asking your family for help with chores around your new home. Show your spouse and kids how they can help keep your home clean on a daily basis and don't be afraid to give everyone in your home a chore to make cleaning more manageable.6. Missing spots that need cleaning most - It's common for people to forget to clean surfaces that are used on a regular basis. Things like your cell phone, door knobs, trash bin and toothbrush holder are crawling with germs and should be disinfected on a regular basis.