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Moving with Pets | Boulder

Moving in general is stressful, think about all the changes you are going through and the mixed emotions you have towards moving. Now think about how your pets are feeling, witnessing the hustle and bustle in preparation for the move and then realizing their environment is changing. When moving with pets not only are you stressed, but they are as well. Luckily the Boulder movers of our Colorado moving company have been in the business of moving for years now and know how to properly handle a move with not just one, but multiple pets.

Preparing for the Move

The first thing you should do when you move with pets is making sure you include your pet's needs in your preparation. Don't leave things to last minute, gather everything you might need for your pet during the move in an easily accessible bag, including favorite treats, water, a blanket, a couple of toys, medications, and the vet's number just in case something were to go wrong. Preparing in advance can help you in the long run, it can relieve stress, and not only will you feel better, but your pet will see how calm and composed you are, leading to a better move with your pet.

Packing Up Your House

In the weeks, days or months leading up to the move, you have hopefully started the packing process. When it comes to a move with pets, however, things are a little different. According to the ASPCA, “Cats aren't big fans of change. You can help your cats (and skittish dogs) adjust to the moving process by bringing in moving boxes early, and by keeping your furry friends in a familiar room you plan to pack up last. On moving day, keep your pets in a quiet room with the door shut, or at a friend's house.”1

Settling into Your Home

Once you have settled into your house after moving with pets, make sure you give them some time to settle into the new house. Walk around your new house and pet proof it, have all the doors checked, inspect the plants to make sure they aren't toxic to your pets, and assess potential dangers around the house that can cause harm to your pet. As for your pet, let them roam the house so they can sniff and get used to the new location, take them on walks around the neighborhood to familiarize them to the area. If you start to see they are scared or stressed, crate them during the night or keep them in one room, just so they can feel calm and get used to the new house.

Contacting Us

Our Boulder movers offer local and long-distance moving services for residential, commercial, and corporate relocations. If you need help packing up your house, let our Boulder packing service do the work for you! We know how to safely and efficiently pack up your house. Call today for a free estimate and learn more about how our services can assist with your moving process.


1. ASPCA - Moving With Your Pet