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Moving with Kids? No Problem!

Whether you are moving with toddlers or teenagers, moving with kids can have some added considerations. Our Richmond residential movers have done our fair share of family moves and have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. While moving with children can be difficult, it doesn't have to be. Here are tips for making your family's move easier for the kids.

Moving with Kids Checklist

While there is no best age to move a child, follow these tips for moving with children to help have a smooth transition.

Moving with Kids: Before Moving Day

You may be wondering how to tell a child they are moving. Before the moving process even begins, you need to sit down with your children well in advance and explain the situation to them. This is especially important if you are in need of Richmond long-distance movers to move your kids to a new city, school, and even state.

It is natural for children to show resistance to change, so telling them far in advance will give them time to cope with the situation. With younger children especially, you will want to focus on the positives like how they will be getting a new room and how they will make new friends. Teenagers may be more difficult, so it may be best to give them some space.

Keep your children in the loop. Explain the moving process as you go and remind them about moving day constantly. Being transparent about the entire process will also help your child adjust.

Unless you are moving with an infant, your children should be able to help with the moving process. Put your children in charge of packing their room as much as possible. Supervise the younger ones and make a game out of the process. Now is also a good time to teach children about donating old toys. No matter their age, reward them in some way for completing the task with a treat such as their favorite dinner, a later curfew, or a new toy.

Helping your child cope with a move may be difficult, especially if they are switching schools. If you find your child struggling, consider connecting them with a trusted friend, mentor, or psychiatrist they can discuss their concerns with.

Moving with Kids: Moving Day

While teenagers and preteens should be able to help throughout moving day, moving with toddlers may be more challenging.

On moving day, try to keep young children occupied and out of the way. Make sure they understand what is going on and not to leave the area. Depending on their age, a playpen or baby gate may be a necessity.

Try to keep them in their routine. Keep in mind that children may have short attention spans and cannot spend a whole day moving without getting a little grumpy. They may need to be placed in an empty room for a nap and should be fed around their normal time. Keeping them in their existing routine will help them feel at least a little normal with all of the changes going on around them.

At All My Sons Moving & Storage Richmond, we recommend asking a trusted family member or friend to take your children for the day if at all possible. Because you will not have to worry about your children, your moving day should be faster and less stressful.

As long as you follow these tips for moving with kids, the moving process should be a little bit easier. Contact our Richmond movers to start your moving process today.