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Newport News Movers Help with Hurricane Florence Recovery

Our Newport News movers are always ready to lend a helping hand with any move, even if that move involves transporting bottled water, cleaning supplies, toothbrushes, personal hygiene products, diapers, and more to another state. Our Newport News moving company helped transport these crucial relief items to North Carolina as a part of our community's support of Hurricane Florence recovery efforts.

Newport News Movers Helping the Community

Communities affected by Hurricane Florence are still rebuilding, and they need crucial recovery supplies to rebuild. As a part of the local community, we were happy to help transport hurricane relief supplies collected by local churches. Our movers transported the supplies to affected areas of North Carolina. The weeks after a hurricane can be particularly difficult in terms of recovery, which is why we were so happy to help bring supplies to communities in need.

Bringing Relief Items to North Carolina

The Tidewater Peninsula Baptist Association worked hard to conduct a collection drive in the community, bringing important recovery items together. Locals donated items for the past two weeks, with around 50 local churches participating. Together, they were able to fill two of our All My Sons Moving & Storage moving trucks with supply items. Our movers loaded the trucks and took care of transporting the items to North Carolina. Families affected by Hurricane Florence were thrilled to receive household goods, food, cleaning items, hygiene products, and other basic necessities.

We're happy to have helped our local communities in recovery efforts from Hurricane Florence. We know that moving isn't just about helping families move their possessions, it's also about helping families by moving crucial supplies to those in need. We're proud to be a part of the Newport News and North Carolina families.

Working Together to Get Moving on Recovery

Recovering from a hurricane or tropical storm can be quite an endeavor, and these crucial relief supplies we brought to North Carolina will make recovery that much easier for the affected communities. We wish all families and businesses within the affected areas the absolute best of luck in their hurricane recovery efforts.