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Tips on How to Save Money When Moving

There is no way around it - everyone has to move at some point or another.

While this may seem like a daunting (and expensive) task, using your San Antonio movers will not only make your move go much more seamlessly, but it will also have you wondering why you have been dreading moving all these years. There are plenty of ways to save money when moving, which will also conveniently make the moving process as easy as possible. All My Sons Moving & Storage has plenty of tips on how to save money when moving - don't worry, you can thank us later!

Use a professional mover. Sure, you have to spend money for a professional mover, but it will end up saving you money in the long run. Your local San Antonio moving company will be able to pack your belongings more efficiently, so that you do not have to worry about anything breaking during your move. Without the help of your local San Antonio movers, you run the risk of ending up with damaged goods at the end of your move. Using professional movers can also help disassemble items in order to save money and time at the same time.

Find out the tax benefits of moving. If you are using your San Antonio moving company to move 50 miles or more, then make sure to save your receipts for a tax deduction. If you plan on using your move as a tax deduction, then your move must be job-related, and make your commute to work over 50 miles as a result of the relocation. You must also be employed full-time for at least 39 weeks during the 12 months after you move, and you must be able to prove that your employer is not covering your moving expenses.

Don't move everything you own. San Antonio movers will be the first ones to tell you that in order to make your move go that much more smoothly, it is important to get rid of stuff before you move. If you can't remember the last time that you wore something, then consider it time to get rid of it. You can either choose to donate it, in which it is another tax deduction, or you can sell it at a garage sale before your San Antonio moving company come over to help you make the big move. All of the extra money that you make selling your unwanted belongings can go towards adventures in San Antonio with your whole family!