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5 Reasons to Leave Your Apartment for a House

You've had your apartment for years. You've gotten creative with small spaces, even doubling the purpose of a room or two. But lately, the walls seem to be closing in on you. That apartment is starting to feel a little too small. Is it time to upsize? Are you flirting with the idea of moving into a home?

It's a big change, jumping from an apartment to a home. In case you're having second thoughts about taking on a home, check out these 5 reasons why you should consider moving from an apartment into a home.

Reason # 1: Your family is growing.

That apartment may have been enough room for you, and even for you and your significant other. But now, with a dog, a cat, and a baby on the way, you may need the extra space. You might be wondering how hard it is to raise young children in a small apartment, and the answer is this: very hard. Kids need space to play and explore. Not to mention, when they get a little bit older and start needing space and wanting their own rooms, an apartment will make this difficult. A house offers more space, indoors and outdoors for your family to live comfortably.

Reason # 2 You want a backyard.

Having a small apartment in the city is fun, until you start to yearn for a green garden of your own. Having a home means having the opportunity to plant, landscape, and design the layout of your yard the way you wish. You can set up space for kids to play, room to barbeque, and a family table outside to enjoy the summer nights. Give yourself some breathing room and get a yard.

Reason # 3 You're sick of paying rent.

How many months have you paid rent on your apartment at this point? We hate to break it to you, but rent money is basically just throwing your money out. Investing in a home is an investment in your future. A good mortgage can go further than monthly rent payments that won't do anything for you long term. Plus, putting your money into renovations and repairs for a home that you own is never wasteful.

Reason # 4 You work from home

Working from home is great - if you've got the space for it. It can be a little hard to cram an “office space” into a studio apartment, but if you buy a home you can create your very own office, customized to your working needs. You'll have free reign to create a home office that allows for productivity and comfortability all in one.

Reason # 5 You need room to accommodate

When you were 21 years old it was acceptable to have your friends sleep on the couch. Now, when you want family and friends to come stay in town, couches and air mattresses just don't cut it. Having a home allows you to create a spare bedroom, a guest room, or a loft where your friends and family can feel comfortable in your home.

When you're ready to make the move, call on your Austin moving company, All My Sons Moving & Storage for full packing and moving services. We've got you covered.