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Moving to Greenville in the Rain: Tips to Avoid Injury

Prevent a Slip and Fall

All the extra moisture and rain that is being trudged into the house is a recipe for a slip and fall. To avoid injury when moving to Greenville in the rain, lay down some old blankets or towels by the entryway, at least, the movers wipe their feet as their coming in and out of the house. Our Greenville local movers recommend keeping a mop nearby in things get a little too wet. Have some spare towels available as well, so you or the movers can dry off.

Appropriate Clothing

When it's raining on your moving day, wear the right clothes when you're to avoid injuries. Jeans are a 100% a no-go. Not only will they take forever to dry when wet, but you are constricting your range of motion, making it more difficult and dangerous to bend up and down to pick up boxes or furniture. Our professional movers in Greenville recommend that you wear waterproof clothing, or at least clothing made of fast-drying material. Ponchos, rain boots, and rain jackets are the go-to articles of clothing you should wear when it's raining on the day of the move. Also avoid flip flops and sandals because they are both prone to slipping in general, but especially when wet, and can cause a serious injury.

Plastic Wrap Your Items

On the day of the move if you notice it is raining grab all the plastic wrap and garbage bags you have. To avoid ruining your items or dropping a box, cover the moving boxes in plastic stretch wrap. Garbage bags are a decent alternative if you do not have plastic wrap laying around the house. As an extra precaution, use all those plastic grocery bags you've accumulated under the sink to wrap fragile items before storing them in the moving boxes.

Shorten the Distance

The less you have to walk in the rain, the lower the risk of injury. When moving to Greenville in the rain, it is best to set up an assembly line or shorten the distance between the front door or garage and the moving truck. Ask your moving company to pull their van up the garage or as close as they can to the door. Teamwork makes the dream work and with more hands on deck there less of a chance of someone getting hurt.

Bonus Recommendations

Always head for cover when you can. If you live in a state where it rains a lot or you know it is going to rain on moving day, you may want to invest in a popup tent or ask a neighbor to borrow one. Popup tents are great to stay out of the rain and dry. Of course, it's best to hire a professional moving company, such as our full-service Greenville movers, who have experience moving to Greenville in the rain. Avoid the injuries and stay dry by calling All My Sons Moving & Storage Greenville today.