All My Sons Moving & Storage
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How to Get Your Kids Involved with Your Move

Moving can be an overwhelming experience for everyone, including kids. The process can be daunting, and for kids, the idea of a new home or new school can actually be quite upsetting. That's why it's important to make sure you communicate and work with your kids throughout the moving process to ensure they are comfortable with everything. Our South Carolina moving company has the tips you need to make sure your kids will be okay when moving day arrives.

Tip 1: Make sure they know where they're moving.

Your kids should be actively involved in the moving process. It's important that they are comfortable with the idea of moving and are there for the decision on where to make your new home. Your kids should visit the new home before you decide, in order to ensure that they understand and can find something they like about the home and the neighborhood. Maybe it's the cool park down the street, or that there's a public pool just a few minutes away. Maybe the school looks neat, or the backyard of your new home has a great playset or swings to use. Whatever the reason, make sure your kids are excited about some part of your new home.

Tip 2: Reward your kids for helping with the move.

Make sure your kids get rewarded for helping with your move. For instance, if your kids help you pack or clean the house, reward them with an afternoon at the park, or their choice of dinner (within reason). Maybe they get to pick the movie you watch before bed, or the book that you guys read together. It's important to make your kids feel like they are a part of the process. A little reward makes the stress and constant change of moving a little more enjoyable.

Tip 3: Make a game out of packing and cleaning out the house.

Another way to encourage your kids to stay involved with the move is to make a game out of it. Encourage your kids to have a competition to pick up the most items or clean out their rooms the fastest. You can also have them help clean out toy boxes, video games, and other items that may have gotten cluttered - trust us, you want to ask them before throwing it all out!

Tip 4: Put your kids in charge of an aspect of moving.

Making your kids feel important is a great way to get them involved. If they are old enough, give them the responsibility on moving day of making sure there are no boxes left anywhere in the house. Another great task is making sure that they have their favorite clothes packed in a suitcase to use while the rest of their clothes and belongings are in boxes. You can even task your kids to help with giving your Greenville residential movers a bottle of water.

Your kids are going to be an important part of making your new home pleasant and enjoyable. Make sure they are prepared and ready to handle all the changes. Call All My Sons Moving & Storage today to save time and money on your next move. Our Greenville movers are standing by to give you a free moving quote.