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How to Get Your Rental Deposit Back

So you are ready to leave your rental apartment behind and move to Tulsa, Oklahoma, and into your new home? Before you have the final walk-through with your landlord, Tulsa movers want to make sure that you have looked over this checklist and put yourself in the best positon possible to get your rental deposit back. You’ll be happy you did when you have more money in your pocket to spend on moving costs.

  1. Clean the entire apartment – This means everything!

- Dust the baseboards, clean all light fixtures, and wipe all doors and doorknobs so that they are free of any marks or spots.

- Don’t leave any nails or tacks in the walls and fill holes with wall putty.

- Even if you think your landlord will clean it again after you move to Tulsa, take it upon yourself to do everything you can to make your apartment look spotless and free of any dirt or grime. 2. Detail the kitchen –

- Appliances easily display food and beverage spots, and are a tell-tale sign of use. Scrub these areas to make them look as shiny and clean as possible.

- Try not to leave any streaks on any appliances that will draw attention.

- Remove all shelves and bins from the refrigerator and freezer, and wash them to free any spilt food or drink spots that may still be sticking to parts of the appliance.

- If you have a lot of ice built up in the freezer, Tulsa movers suggest that you dump it out and allow the freezer to start producing fresh cubes.

- Once your Tulsa movers have packed up everything from your cupboards and drawers, wipe all of these areas out with a clean cloth.

- Grab a stainless steel cleaner and polish the kitchen sink and faucet. 3. Scrub the Bathrooms –

- Clean all sections of the toilet; including: lid, seat, base and bowl. Free the bowl of any stains by using a professional cleaning solution or vinegar.

- Wipe down the bathroom counter, sink and faucets.

- Clean mirrors with the appropriate glass cleaner, so that you remove signs of splatters or marks and leave a streak-free finish.

- Brush showers and tubs with a disinfectant cleaner. This will help you remove any mold or mildew that may be collecting in the grout.

- Remove everything from medicine cabinets, drawers and cabinets and wipe them out. 4. Freshen up Bedrooms and Living room -

- Vacuum all floors with appropriate vacuum attachment.

- Wipe down any and everything that has a permanent place in the apartment.

- Dust all light fixtures and fan blades (complete this before you vacuum in case dust gets loose and falls all over the floor). 5. Straighten up the garage –

- Sweep the floor and scrub any area that may has spots, such as grease.

- Remove any cobwebs or dust that has collected in the corners.

- Get rid of any trash or boxes that has accumulated.

- Tulsa movers suggest that maybe you save this step for after your movers come and load up all of your belongings, so that you can thoroughly clean the garage. 6. Detail the outside –

- If you are responsible for maintaining the grass, make sure it is freshly cut for your landlord

- Remove any outside furniture that does not belong there or have your mover move it for you.

Pressure clean any areas that are dirty or moldy.