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How to Pack Books before Your Move to Ohio

If you are an avid reader getting ready for a move, you are probably dreading the packing process. Emptying your bookshelf not only means heavy moving boxes; it also means protecting your precious first editions and favorites. Our Cleveland moversunderstand packing can be a challenge and want to share the best way to pack and move books. Our 20+ years of moving experience has taught us not only the best way to pack books to move but also the best way to move valuables.

Our team of professional movers also understands that not everyone has the time to pack or move themselves. For those in need, we are proud to offer packing services in Cleveland. Let us take care of packing your books to move as well as your whole house! When your move is complete, we will also take care of the task of reassembling items such as furniture, too.

How to Pack Books to Move

For those who prefer to pack themselves, these tips on the best way to pack and move books will really help. They may seem easy to pack, but once you realize that you have accumulated a library in your humble abode, things get more difficult. Our Cleveland movers have tips to maximize space and protect your items while packing your books.

Condense your book collection.

The best way to pack books to move is to lessen the number of books you have first. Our Cleveland residential movers suggest streamlining your collection. Before you assemble a cardboard box, go through your collection of books and check for ones you may not need anymore. For instance, you may not need your old textbooks from college.

After consolidating your collection, seek out local charities or organizations which collect used books. Just because you cannot take them with you during your move, does not mean they're rendered useless.

Begin packing your books to move.

Now, start with a sturdy, medium-sized cardboard box. Remember to make sure it is not too full since it will soon have to be lifted. The best way to pack and move books is by lining the boxes with material like newspaper to protect the books and insulate them from possible weather issues.

Before placing your books into the now-insulated boxes, consider grouping them based on size and/or subject material.

Arrange by size and weight

Begin lining the bottom of the box with your heaviest books. Lay them flat and consolidate space by arranging your books by size and weight. The best way to pack books to move is by placing the bigger and heavier ones at the bottom. If there are any gaps in your box, stuff them in first using smaller books, ensuring they are placed in such a way as to remain intact. Basically, play a version of Book Tetris.

Do not forget to individually wrap any special editions, collectibles, or nostalgic books which you want to keep very safe and secure. This way you will not have to worry about the Ohio cold ruining your great-grandmother's prized copy of Little Women.

Add extra packing materials to fill spaces.

When you are finished placing your books in their boxes, take wadded newspapers, socks, or small towels to stuff into the gaps. This is the best way to pack books to move so the books will not get jostled around and damaged.

Label your boxes.

Now you can start labeling your boxes. OurCleveland local movers know the best way to pack and move books is to make sure the boxes are labeled. For instance, if you decided to pack your books according to subject material, like ‘Mom's History Books,' label your boxes by that name.

There is just one important thing left to know about the best way to pack and move books, though. Do not pack all of them! You will need some relaxing reading material during the stressful time of your move. Hopefully, with the help of your favorite novel and this guide to the best way to pack books to move, you will be a bit less stressed. Contact our full-service moving company today to learn more about how we can help you!