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Addressing Job-Related Stress During COVID-19

The coronavirus has changed a lot in our world. From the way we interact to the way we work. Many jobs have moved their employees from the office to their homes in an effort to keep everyone safe and healthy. Meetings that were once held in conference rooms are now held on conference lines and virtual meeting rooms, commutes to work are null, working from home has become the norm. Though at first, working from home can seem like a great thing for many reasons, it certainly poses its own set of challenges for both a company and its employees. Noticing the signs of job-related stress is difficult when there may be other factors at play, especially amidst a global crisis such as the coronavirus outbreak. Our South Raleigh moversshare ways to identify some of the causes of stress as well as how to recognize signs of stress to help you maintain your mental health.

Common Causes of Stress

Especially in the era of COVID-19, there are innumerable reasons, besides a frustrating work situation, that may also contribute to the stress you are experiencing. These concerns could include:

-Exposure to COVID-19 at work

-Taking care of personal and family needs while working

-Managing a different workload

-Lack of access to tools and equipment necessary to perform properly

-Feelings of inadequacy

-Uncertainty about the future of your workplace or employment

-Learning new ways of communicating with coworkers and administration

-Dealing with technical difficulties

- Adapting to a new workspace and schedule

Recognizing Signs of Stress

Whether you are in your office or at home, the coronavirus has certainly impacted the way you work. You may be experiencing emotions like fear and anxiety because of this global pandemic, which can greatly weigh on you daily and can ultimately lead to burnout. Learning signs of job-related stress can drastically improve your well-being and the well-being of those closest to you. While navigating the changes of work through COVID-19, our South Raleigh residential movers want you to know what stress looks like and how to minimize it in your day.

If you are feeling stressed, it manifests in one or a combination of symptoms such as:

-Irritation, anger, or denial

-Uncertain, nervous

-Lack of motivation

-Fatigued, overwhelmed or burned out


-Trouble sleeping

-Difficulty concentrating

Once you have identified what other factors are contributing to your overall stress, and you are able to recognize the signs of job-related stress in your work day, you can now begin coping with that stress in a way that is best for you. Be sure to reach out for help when you need it - take advantage of the resources offered by your company or your health insurance that will help you manage your mental health. Speaking up about how you are feeling at work to your employer or to loved ones can benefit you in the long run. Together, we can make it through.

Here at All My Sons Moving & Storage, we thank our clients for trusting us with their relocation. Given the increased attention of COVID-19 (coronavirus), we want to assure all clients that their safety and our employees' safety are a top priority. While we're experts in moving, we want our clients to know that we're actively implementing the health and safety guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure we take the proper precautions.

We've instructed our employees that experience symptoms, defined by the CDC, to not report to work and instead contact their doctors. We ask that if you or any of your family members have experienced COVID-19 symptoms, please let us know immediately so we can take the proper additional precautions.

As a company, we believe in serving our community and supporting each other, especially during difficult times. We believe in the power of us, all of us!