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What to Know Before Moving to Overland Park

Whether you are considering moving to Overland Park or have already signed the paperwork, there are a few things the locals think you should know before moving to their city. Overland Park is a very populous city with lots to do and of course lots to know and explore. So, what to know before moving? Check out what makes Overland Park so amazing!

1.Overland Park is #1. The average median income in Overland Park is one of the highest in the county. Not only do you make more, but you can also save more! Overland Park also offers a low cost of living to its residents.

2. It's not some farm town. In fact, Overland Park has over 170,000 residents and plenty to do! Kansas may have a reputation for having lots of open space but Overland Park is filled with cultural differences and terrain. Residents experience a large city environment.

3. Overland Park has four seasons! Unlike many other parts of the country that only experience 2 or 3 seasons throughout the year, residents of Overland Park experience 4 seasons each year!

4. There are nice people! Unfortunately, today finding nice people in your life can be far and few in between but not in Overland Park. Those moving to Overland Park can expect to be greeted with open arms.

5. Enjoy big city perks with a laid-back pace. Even in Kansas' 2nd most populous city, residents can enjoy a peaceful life. Traffic and crowds are unknown to Overland Park residents and they prefer it that way. No more stressing in that 5pm rush hour traffic!

6. Barbeque is more of a way of life than a type of food. Those who call Overland Park home are major fans of Barbeque. It all comes down to how these Kansans make their Barbeque. The slow smoked style with a thick helping of sauce makes this a delicacy!

7. Home to a community driven society. Downtown Overland Park hosts Local Life every 3rd Friday of the month. This allows residents to shop more local stores and maintain more money locally. Businesses throughout the city tend to offer incentives and stay late to increase revenue from local community members.

8. Farmers Markets are very popular. The Overland Park Farmer's market offers residents and new comers an opportunity to give back to their community while acquiring fresh and locally farmed produce and goods.

9. Fishing is part of the culture. If you are still wondering what to know before moving, fishing is it! Everyone in Overland Park knows how to fish and they love it. Overland Park has several fishing ponds nearby including 2 ponds at Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead.